Estimating Techniques


7.10 explain estimating techniques (including analytical, comparative, parametric, three-point, PERT formulae).
Althea Green
FlashCards por Althea Green, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Althea Green
Criado por Althea Green quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the types of estimating techniques? Comparative (analogous) Bottom- up (analytical) Parametric Three-point
Describe comparative estimating Uses historical data from similar projects to extrapolate estimates for new work. Past estimates are scaled according to scope and complexity to produce new estimates. Most appropriate when data available from a few previous projects
Describe bottom-up or analytical estimating Uses a detailed specification to estimate time and cost for each component of the work. Not possible during early stages of a project.
Describe parametric estimating Multiplies the known number of units by the price of those units. Relatively quick method. Requires large data set of past estimates of similar work. Small base data errors escalate to major errors later in the project.
Describe three-point estimating Removes vagaries of single point estimates. Uses a best case, worst case and most likely case estimate for cost or duration. Calculated using PERT formula (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)
What is the PERT formula? Best estimate = (1 x best case) + (4 x most likely case) + (1 x worst case) / 6
Describe Monte Carlo analysis Uses multiple three-point estimates to calculate a statistical estimate by running a computer statistical analysis. Three-point estimating forms the basis of quantitative modelling.


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