Stakeholder management process


7.12 describe stakeholder management processes
Althea Green
FlashCards por Althea Green, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Althea Green
Criado por Althea Green mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Where is the stakeholder management plan embedded? The Project Management Plan (PMP)
What steps are in the stakeholder management process? 1. Identify 2. Assess 3. Develop communication plan 4. Engage & influence
What methods are there for stakeholder identification? Company organisation charts websites Interviewing people Brainstorming sessions Taking to peers & colleagues Research Checklists Lessons learnt
Who are the typical types of stakeholder? Individuals & groups performing the work Individuals & groups affected by the work Owners, shareholders & customers Statutory & regulatory bodies
How are the different groups of stakeholders recorded? In a table called a stakeholder map
What is involved in stakeholder assessment? Stakeholders identified based on their relative levels of power & interest. Stakeholders who can directly affect the outputs called Key Stakeholders.
What sort of questions should be asked during stakeholder assessment? Who would be the best person to engage them? How will they be affected by the work? Will they be openly supportive, negative or ambivalent? What are their expectations and how can they be managed? Who/what influences stakeholder's view of the project?
What are the outputs from stakeholder analysis? A stakeholder management plan - describes how the stakeholders will be developed to adjust their position. Communication management plan - helps guide PM's thinking and document/substantiate actions.
What happens during engaging and influencing the stakeholders? The stakeholder management plan is enacted. Plan effectiveness is assessed. Stakeholder grid uses to reassess power/interest dynamic regularly.


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