Third Declension: Nouns review


Use these cards to study some nouns of the Third Declension
Anita Thomer
FlashCards por Anita Thomer, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Anita Thomer
Criado por Anita Thomer aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
sermo a sermon
sermonis of a sermon
sermoni to or for a sermon
sermonem a sermon (DO)
sermone by, with, from a sermon
sermones sermons sermons (DO)
sermonum of sermons
sermonibus to or for sermons by, with, from sermons
sedes a seat seats seats (DO)
sedis of a seat
sedi to a seat
sedem a seat (DO)
sede by, with, from a seat
sedium of seats
sedibus to or for seats by, with, from seats
tempus a time a time (DO)
temporis of a time
tempori to or for a time
tempore by, with, from a time
tempora times times (DO)
temporum of times
temporibus to or for times by, with, from times
civis a citizen of a citizen
civi to or for a citizen
civem a citizen (DO)
cive by, with, from a citizen
cives citizens citizens (DO)
civium of citizens
civibus to or for citizens by, with, from citizens
lux a light
lucis of a light
luci to or for a light
lucem a light (DO)
luce by, with, from a light
luces lights lights (DO)
lucum of lights
lucibus to or for lights by, with, from lights


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