Block C Histology


Medicine FlashCards sobre Block C Histology, criado por Angela Quental em 15-05-2017.
Angela Quental
FlashCards por Angela Quental, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Angela Quental
Criado por Angela Quental quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Enter text here... early spermatids
Enter text here... interstitial tissue
Enter text here... interstitial tissue
Enter text here... late spermatids
Enter text here... Leydig cells
Enter text here... lobuli testes
Enter text here... lobuli testes
Enter text here... mediastinum testis
Enter text here... mediastinum testis
Enter text here... mediastinum testis
Enter text here... pampiniform plexus
Enter text here... pampiniform plexus
Enter text here... principal cells (epididymis)
Enter text here... rete testis
Enter text here... rete testis
Enter text here... seminiferous epithelium
Enter text here... primary spermatogonia
Enter text here... seminiferous tubules
Enter text here... simple cuboidal epithelium
Enter text here... septuli testis
Enter text here... sertoli cells
Enter text here... seminiferous epithelium
Enter text here... smooth muscle
Enter text here... stereocilia
Enter text here... spermatogonia
Enter text here... testicular artery
Enter text here... testicular artery
Enter text here... tubuli recti
Enter text here... tunica propria
Enter text here... tunica propria
Enter text here... tunica albuginea
Enter text here... tunica propria
Enter text here... testicular vein
Enter text here... amnion
Enter text here... amniotic epithelium
Enter text here... alveolar buds
Enter text here... amnion
Enter text here... apical dendrite
Enter text here... astrocyte nuclei
Enter text here... astrocyte nuclei
Enter text here... blood vessel cortex
Enter text here... axons
Enter text here... astrocyte nuclei
Enter text here... blood vessel
Enter text here... blood vessels (uterus)
Enter text here... chorionic plate
Enter text here... chorionic plate
Enter text here... chorionic villi
Enter text here... cortex (corpus albicans)
Enter text here... chorionic villi
Enter text here... chorionic villi
Enter text here... corpora albicantes
Enter text here... dorsal horn
Enter text here... dorsal roots
Enter text here... dorsal column
Enter text here... duct cells (mammary gland)
Enter text here... duct (mammary gland)
Enter text here... endometrium (late secretory phase)
Enter text here... endometrium (proliferative phase)
Enter text here... fetal mesenchyme
Enter text here... fetal blood vessels
Enter text here... endometrium (late secretory phase)
Enter text here... glassy membranes of atretic follicles
Enter text here... glial cell nuclei
Enter text here... gyrus
Enter text here... glial cell nuclei
Enter text here... grey matter
Enter text here... granulosa lutein cells
Enter text here... interlobular dense connective tissue (mammary gland)
Enter text here... intralobular connective tissue (mammary gland)
Enter text here... intervillous spaces
Enter text here... lateral column
Enter text here... inner layer of myometrium
Enter text here... medulla (corpus albicans)
Enter text here... migroglial cell nucleus
Enter text here... microglial cell nucleus
Enter text here... lobule (mammary gland)
Enter text here... middle layer myometrium
Enter text here... myoepithelial cells (mammary gland)
Enter text here... myoepithelial cells (mammary gland)o
Enter text here... myelin space
Enter text here... myometrium (early secretory phase)
Enter text here... myometrium (late secretory phase)
Enter text here... neuron cell bodies
Enter text here... neuron
Enter text here... neuropil
Enter text here... oligodendrocyte nuclei
Enter text here... nucleus (neuron)
Enter text here... oligodendrocyte nuclei
Enter text here... pia and arachnoid
Enter text here... placental septum
Enter text here... pyramidal neuron
Enter text here... sacculated uterine glands
Enter text here... umbilical vessels
Enter text here... spiral arteries
Enter text here... spiral arteries
Enter text here... stratum basale
Enter text here... sulcus
Enter text here... stroma (early secretory phase)
Enter text here... syncytiotrophoblasts
Enter text here... ventral horn
Enter text here... white matter
Enter text here... zona pellucida of atretic follicle
Enter text here... uterine glands (early secretory phase)
Enter text here... uterine glands (proliferative phase)
Enter text here... ventral column
Enter text here... uterine glands (proliferative phase)
Enter text here... vascular lacuna
Enter text here... theca lutein cells
Enter text here... umbilical vessels
Enter text here... antral follicles
Enter text here... antrum
Enter text here... atretic follicles
Enter text here... antral follicles
Enter text here... antrum
Enter text here... corpora albucantes
Enter text here... corpus luteum
Enter text here... corpus luteum
Enter text here... cumulus oophorus
Enter text here... fimbriae (oviduct)
Enter text here... epithelium (oviduct)
Enter text here... fimbriae (oviduct)
Enter text here... former follicular cavity
Enter text here... granulosa lutein cells
Enter text here... interlobular connective tissue (lactating mammary gland)
Enter text here... interlobular connective tissue (lactating mammary gland)
Enter text here... interlobular duct (lactating mammary gland)
Enter text here... interlobular ducts (lactating mammary gland)
Enter text here... lamina propria (oviduct)
Enter text here... lobule (lactating mammary gland)
Enter text here... lobules (lactating mammary gland)
Enter text here... mural granulosa cells
Enter text here... myoepithelial cells (lactating mammary gland)
Enter text here... mural granulosa cells
Enter text here... myometrium (proliferative phase)
Enter text here... oocyte
Enter text here... oocyte
Enter text here... stroma (proliferative phase)
Enter text here... stratum functionalis (proliferative phase)
Enter text here... stratum basalis (proliferative phase)
Enter text here... secretory cells (lactating mammary gland)
Enter text here... secretory alveoli (lactating mammary gland)
Enter text here... stroma
Enter text here... surface epithelium
Enter text here... theca externa
Enter text here... theca interna
Enter text here... theca lutein cells
Enter text here... zona pellucida
Enter text here... tunica albuginea
Enter text here... tunica albuginea
Enter text here... uterine glands (proliferative phase)


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