The Integumentary System


Mapa Mental sobre The Integumentary System, criado por Emma Watt em 30-10-2017.
Emma Watt
Mapa Mental por Emma Watt, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Emma Watt
Criado por Emma Watt aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Integumentary System
  1. Skin structure
    1. The Epidermis
      1. keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium
        1. 4 (5) layers 1. stratum corneum 2. stratum Lucidum (only in palms and soles) 3.stratum Granulousum 4.stratum spinosum 5.stratum basale
        2. not vascularised. recieves nourishment by diffusion
        3. The Dermis
          1. thick region of skin
            1. vascularised
              1. 2 main regions 1. papillary region. - protrusions into epidermis 2. reticular region
                1. joined to epidermis by DERMO-EPIDERMAL JUNCTION
                2. additional structures
                  1. hair
                    1. nails
                    2. Glands
                      1. ECCRINE - sweat glands. temperature regulation.
                        1. APOCRINE - scent glands. in axillae and genitals
                          1. SEBACEOUS - produce secretions to lubricate structures. i.e. skin or hair.
                        2. Overall skin functions


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