History periods


Mapa Mental sobre History periods, criado por Teacher Candelas em 02-12-2017.
Teacher  Candelas
Mapa Mental por Teacher Candelas , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Teacher  Candelas
Criado por Teacher Candelas quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

History periods
  1. Ancient History
    1. Writing
      1. Important Civilizations
        1. Greeks
          1. Democracy
            1. Trade and coins
              1. buildings
                1. Iberia
                2. Olympic Games
            2. Romans
              1. Latin
                1. Roads
                  1. Aqueducts
                    1. Hispania
                2. laws
          2. Prehistory
            1. No writing
              1. Lived in caves
                1. Used fire
                  1. Hunted and fished to eat
                    1. Cave Painting
            2. Middle Ages
              1. Started with the end of Roman Empire
                1. 476 A.D
                  1. Kings and Nobles lived in castles
                    1. Muslims came in the 8th century
                      1. 1492 Reconquista
                        1. End of the Middle Ages
                          1. Isabel the Catholic and Fernando
                        2. 1450 Johanes Gutemberg
                          1. Printing Press
                2. Early Modern Age
                  1. started at 1492
                    1. Discovery of America
                      1. Christopher Columbus
                        1. El Greco and Velázquez
                          1. Cervantes and Shakespeare
                            1. Spain is a big Empire
                              1. French Revolution 1789
                  2. Modern Age
                    1. Started in 1789
                      1. Steam Engine improved by
                        1. James Watt
                          1. Industrial Revolution
                            1. Factories
                              1. Transport
                                1. Train
                                  1. Ships
                                    1. machines and inventions
                                      1. Telephone
                                        1. light bulb
                                          1. X Rays
                                            1. Radio


                              NEUROCIÊNCIAS E EDUCAÇÃO
                              PEDAGOGIA DA AUTONOMIA SaberesNecessários à Prática Educativa
                              Termos téc. Enfermagem
                              Letícia Silva
                              Questões - Lei 8112/90
                              Lucas Ávila
                              COLOCAÇÃO PRONOMINAL
                              Mapa Conceitual - Engenharia - Empreendedorismo e Inovação
                              Nathan Kaiser
                              QG Concursos - simulado Polícia Civil/SP 100 questões (06/08/2015)
                              Classes de Palavras
                              Larissa Guimarães
                              Contextualização da Aula 1- Gestão - Administração da Carreira Profissional
                              Fabrícia Assunção
                              Organização Administrativa
                              Arthur Souza