Criminal Behaviour


Pyschology Mapa Mental sobre Criminal Behaviour, criado por Jennifer Farley em 01-06-2013.
Jennifer Farley
Mapa Mental por Jennifer Farley, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jennifer Farley
Criado por Jennifer Farley mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Criminal Behaviour
  1. Biological Theory
    1. Heritability


      • A proportiion of behaviour that is due to genetic factors
      1. Brain dysfunction
        1. Pre frontal cortex


          • Under developed in some criminals. Where the fear of ASB is conditioned
          1. Temporal lobe


            • Language learning emotions and memory. Slower in aggressive psychopaths 
            1. Limbic system


              • aggressive and sexual behaviour. Increased activity in criminals 
              1. corpus callosum


                • bridge between the rational side and irrational side . Murders can have a less active corpus callosum
              2. Physical features
                1. Hairy
                  1. High forehead
                    1. Glassy eyes
                      1. High cheek bones
                        1. Large protruding ears
                        2. criminal personality
                        3. fails to account for nature
                          1. brian dysfunction only evident in some criminals
                            1. can run families
                              1. one gene cannot be responsible for diverse crimes i.e.. rape / financial fraud
                                1. Social Learning Theory
                                  1. Vicarious re enforcement


                                    • behaviour that is strengthened by seeing rewards recived by another for similar behaviours 
                                    1. imitation of role models
                                      1. Nuture
                                      2. Mednick et Al
                                        1. to test if criminal behaviour is linked to nature or nurture
                                          1. Denmark 1400 adopted male criminals. Compared criminal records of biological and adoptive parents
                                            1. neither bio / adoptive = 13.5%
                                              1. only adoptive = 14.7%
                                                1. only bio = 20%
                                                  1. both = 24%
                                                    1. strong genetic component. Did not totally rule out effect of environment
                                                      1. convictions may not be accurate
                                                        1. contamination effect
                                                          1. androcentic / gender and cultural bias
                                                    2. applications = age restrictions and strong prison sentences / early intervention through education


                                                      Characteristics of Criminal Behaviour
                                                      Obri Gonzalez
                                                      28. Some Types of Mental Processing are More Challenging than Others
                                                      Julie Mastbrook
                                                      Caitlin Browne
                                                      RESEARCH METHODS
                                                      Jennifer Farley
                                                      Levels of Explanation
                                                      Asch (1951)
                                                      Habit Reversal Therapy
                                                      Kat Haley
                                                      Freud's theory of personality.
                                                      Criminal Behaviour Biological explanation: Role of the Amygdala
                                                      Obri Gonzalez
                                                      Developmental Psychology in a 2nd class classroom
                                                      Olan Hegarty