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2.2 - How do human activities influence the supply and demand of water?
A-level Geography G3 (Water) Mapa Mental sobre 2.2 - How do human activities influence the supply and demand of water?, criado por RoryFlynn2 em 05-06-2013.
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geography g3
geography g3
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Resumo de Recurso
2.2 - How do human activities influence the supply and demand of water?
1/2 billion people chronically short of water
1/3 of world population short of water
Will become 45% by 2025
Who are the main users of water?
Agric - 69% of world's fresh water + is least efficient
To produce 1kg of beef is 10x more water costly than 1kg of rice
Irrigation least efficient use of water
Seepage, high rate of evaporation, salinisation
Industry - 21%
BRICs lead to biggest usage of water - 10%
More efficient than agric - unless it's paper
Issues = water quality + pollution
Domestic - 10%
Increase in meat consumption in Western diets
More costly than a vegetarian diet - requires more land, water and capital
Most MEDCs need 100,000 litres per person per year
African countries need less than 50,000
Global demand 2x every 20 yrs
Competing users for water in the Murray-Darling Basin:
Agriculture - 80% of basin - 40% of Australia food production
Domestic - 2 million population
Some industry
Consequences of human activities on water amount + quality of MDB?
Total flow at mouth reduced by 61%
Water ceases to flow at all 40% of the time due to devpt
Salinity increases downstream
2019 - 2,750 gl will be returned to the basin
National plan needed for the basin to create a balance in water use
By 2024 - further 450 gl to be gained
South-West Water (SWW), UK
Where does water come from?
90% comes from surface water sources
3 large reservoirs
SWW aquifers limited - 10% of region water
Groundwater sources - Springs, wells, bore-holes - East Devon
During winter - abstracted from rivers and reservoirs as back up
Allows water transport in dry seasons
Pump water in reservoirs to avoid natural waiting period
How does SWW minimise leaks?
Use of mix of traditional leak detection methods
Listening sticks
remote monitoring
Flow-meters measure water passing through 750 geological zones
Calculates location of bursts + reduces potential lag between inspection of leak and arranging repairs
2010 - Met leakage target 14th yr in a row
What is SWW doing to influence supply of water?
Upstream thinking
Env improvements to improve water qual
Land management observed so water quantity and quality improved at source
Dartmoor Mires project
Restoring bog at Winney's Down
Erosion threatening high qual blanket bog
Preserving wildlife + keep SW's potential as carbon sink + reduce climate change
Globally important habitat + species
Better water qual
Improves river life for species E.g. Salmon
Can slow surface run-off
Blanket bog will protect peat - Huge carbon sink
Protect further loss of carbon
Climate change adaption
Successful trial on Exmoor - 250 acres of mires restored
Permission for 4,000 more acres
Diffusing pollution
Attempt to prevent soils + fertilisers entering watercourse
Rainwater stores on farms + providing soil analysis to educate farmers on use of pesticides + fertilisers
Work with many environmental agencies to deliver 'Upstream Thinking' across Devon, Cornwall and West Somerset
Managing water resources in a changing climate
1996 drought - heavy investing in water since
2 Chinese clay pits turned into new water reservoirs
New pipelines
Leakage reduced 40%
Ability to transport water improved
Pumping stations to store water in winter
Increased capacity of treatment works
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