

Trocaire is a community of faith set up by the Irish Catholic Bishops in 1973
Eimear Geary
Mapa Mental por Eimear Geary, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Eimear Geary
Criado por Eimear Geary quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Leadership
    1. The Irish Catholic Bishops in 1973
      1. They go to the places that need them the most
        1. They give food, water, medical aid + financial aid
        2. Vision
          1. Spread Equality
            1. They want everyone to have the 3 basic need
              1. Food, water + shelter
              2. To live as Jesus asked us in the Gospels
              3. Commitment
                1. Trying to end poverty
                  1. They fundraise for those who need it
                    1. Putting the needs of others first
                  1. They raise awareness on poverty in Ireland
                    1. They encourage people to donate money
                      1. They fight for people who
                        1. are poor + treated badly


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