Nazi Domestic Policies


Domestic Policies of the Nazis Party
Naama Ali
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Naama Ali
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Nazi Domestic Policies
  1. Leisure
    1. Christains can be given new content, turning them into Nazi holidays rather than religious ones as part of propaganda purposes
      1. National Socialist forms of behaviour in the area of rituals and ceremonies to enhance Nazi influence
        1. Economic policies summary, Hitlers economy policy had four main ideas: full employment- the idea that everyone should have a job by 1939, there was virtually no unemployment in Germany
          1. The beauty of work - the Nazis set up the SDA (a beauty of work) to help Germans see that work was good, and that everyone who could work should. real wages fell and hours were longer under Hitler. Re - armament begun in 1935, the idea of guns before butter. Autarky- there was an unsuccessful attempt at making Germany self-sufficient
        2. films and movies are used as propaganda weapons
          1. status and paintings are used to portray Hitler as a highly dignified leader and to worship Hitler
          2. Women
            1. subhumanity
              1. women have no seats in parliament, banned from being active in politics and public life
                1. males regained their authority and women were on no position at all
                2. Nazis took a conservative policy towards women, but women were put to work in wartime anyway. As the regime grew more secure, treatment towards minorities grew more radical, as millions were killed during the Nazi regime.
                  1. minorities were essentially expelled from all functions of German society and as plans of emigration from minorities to foreign failed, concentration camps arose in occupied Europe
                  2. children
                    1. Nazis attempted to indoctrinate the youth using propaganda, state controlled education, and youth programs such as Hitler Youth
                    2. Nazis believe women should be good mothers
                      1. healthy, be good at cookery and needlework, marry and enable their husbands to be useful workers, have children and bring them up to be good Germans, stay at home and concentrate on domestic matters, not work or politics
                        1. policies the Nazis wanted women to achieve: the German woman's enterprise was formed to arrange classes and radio broadcasts to teach good motherhood, women were encouraged to leave work and concentrate on children, kitchen and church, some professional women were forced to leave their jobs as doctors, lawyers or teachers
                          1. nazis encouraged mothers to have children by: awards were given to women with lots of children, Bronze for four children, Silver for six children and Gold for eight or more children
                    3. Arts & media
                      1. Nazis used the arts to promote themes of racism, pure German blood, and classical tradition
                      2. Lebensborn
                        1. 1935- it means the fountain of life and was set up by the SS leader Himmler, at first the policy provided nurseries and financial aid for women who had children with SS men. later it even made single women available for fertilization by SS men. this was to create genetically pure children for adoption by worthy German families.
                        2. workers
                          1. Nazi policy towards workers: they banned trade unions in 1933 meaning strikes couldn't happen, Hitler set up the DAF ( German Labour Front). Their aim was to ensure workers served the Nazi regime, it set out a new employment rights for workers in factories, mine, munition plants, and shipyards. they regulated working hours and rates of pay and had the power to punish workers. it got rid of workers freedom but established a minimum working standard.
                            1. unemployment was a major problem in Germany, with at least 6 million Germans unemployed. During the 1923-33 election campaign, Hitler had promised the people work and bread. Hitler's intentions were to reduce unemployment, create jobs through retirement of the treaty of Versailles and prepare to expand Germany and also create an economically self-sufficient Germany ( Autarky)
                            2. what is RAD?
                              1. RAD 1933 is the national labor service and its provided manual work for the unemployed. Butler believed the unemployed probably supported communism and were his greatest rivals. from 1935 it was compulsory for all young men to serve six months in the RAD. Rates of pay were low band provided very poor food. they mainly built public buildings and motorways. by 1939 Germany had 7000 miles worth of motorways.
                                1. KDF - strenght through joy, this provided leisure activities for workers, including sport facilities, films, ouings and theatre shows. the most loyal workers could win impressive holidays
                                  1. the purpose of KDF- TO support the fuhrer and thank him, to keep everyone happy after abolishing the trade unions
                            3. controlling education
                              1. up until 1933, the provincial governments were responsible for the majority of schools. when the Nazis came to power, Berlin's minister of education - Bernhard Rust, became responsible for education in Germany .the number of physical education lessons doubled, but religious education was abolished.
                                1. the aim for education was to separate Jews from other children, encourage hatred towards Jews, prevent Jews from getting the education, the scheme was a success. Jews would be portrayed as bad, ugly and selfish people in textbooks and children's stories.
                              2. jews and the minority groups
                                1. Hitler and the Nazis had firm views on race, they believed that the Germans were Aryans and therefore the "Master Race". most of the other races were categorized as slave races, but some groups were labeled 'Untermensch' or sub-human. the Slavs of Eastern Europe, gypsies s(such as Sinti or Roma and Jews were regarded as such.
                                  1. the Nazis believed that all other groups were inferior to the Aryans and they were a threat to the purity of the superior "master race", particularly the sub-humans
                                    1. many German scientists believed that anyone with disabilities or social problems degenerated whose genes needed to be eliminated from the human bloodline. the Nazi policy of eugenics was carried out forcibly, with over 4000,00 people sterilized against their will and more than 70,000 murdered.
                                  2. religion and churches
                                    1. the Nazis believed in constructive Christianity and freedom for every religious group. but in reality, the Nazis saw the Church and Christianity as a threat to their policies. one -thirds of Germans were Catholic and two-thirds were Protestants. Hitler signed a concordat with the pope in 1933. he promised full religious freedom for the Church and Pope promised that he would never interfere in political matters. then the Nazis started to close Catholic Churches. Many monasteries were shut down and the Catholic Youth Organisation was abolished. the Nazis had already created the Hitler Youth Movement. the Pope protest with a letter in 1937 but had no impact. 400 Priest was arrested and sent to concentration camps.
                                      1. THE NATIONAL REICH CHURCH. there were 28 protestant groups in Germany, and they were merged to form the National Reich Church in 1936. A nazi memeber was elected Bishop of the church , non-Aryans ministers were suspended.
                                  3. the nuremberg race laws
                                    1. the Nazis announced new law institutionalized many of the racial it is prevalent in Nazi Ideology. the law excluded German Jews from Reich citizenship and prohibited them from marrying or having the sexual relationship with the persons of 'German or related blood'.


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