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Brewing and Fermenting
Mapa Mental sobre Brewing and Fermenting, criado por Shelly Shah em 14-10-2014.
Mapa Mental por
Shelly Shah
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Shelly Shah
aproximadamente 10 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Brewing and Fermenting
Ingredients in Beer
Female flower cone (Humulus lupulus)
More than 80 varities
adds the bitterness
essential to balance sweetness of malt
Essential oils
Have aroma characteristics
provide, fruity, floral, spicy etc
refers to malted barely
malting is the controlled germination of cereals to activate enzymes used in the mashing process
There are a spectrum of malt types
Base malts
lager (pilsner), ale
Provide enzyme activity for the mash
Toasted malts
Vienna, amber
Darker malts
Brown, chocoloate
crystal, caramel
Provides body, and sweetness
Fermentable sugars, e.g alcohol
Variety of flavours, e.g grainy, toasted etc
Other sources of fermentable sugars
Cereal Adjuncts
Rice e.g Budweiser, & Japanese largers
Corn e.g Stella
Cane sugar (sucrose)
Honey, maple syrup, molasses
Why use this? - Cost is cheaper, and to modify beer properties
Single cell organisms
Eukaryotic cells in fungi kingdom
Ale (top fermenting) e.g Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Lager strains (bottom fermenting) e.g S. pastorianus
Modern Classification and species differentiation achieved by DNA fingerprinting
Different yeast strains important for yeast styles and flavour properties
Hop & aroma flavours
Malt charactertics
Yeast derived flavour e.g fruity esters, tartness (organic acids), spicy, peppery phenolics
Alkalinity, pH, hardness, mineral ion all determine beer character and beer style
different mineral ions affect beer flavour accentuating either malt or bitterness
Affects conditions for biochemical reactions during brewing
Important for yeast nutrition and optimal fermentation performance, hence flavour quality
2-rowed variety
Only central floret is fertile, hence 1 seed at each node
6-rowed variety
All florets are fertile, hence 3 seeds at each node
Husk (hull)
protects the embryo
Important in wort seperation
Source of enzymes, produced in response to hormones from the growing embryo
the starch granules here in the form of fermentable sugars and amino acids
Composed of large + small starch granules
Cell walls within matrix holding the starch granules are composed of beta-glucans, some pentosans, and protein
The plant shoot
The Process
1st) Steeping
activation of enzymes by steeping with water
increases moisture from11-12% to 42-44%
Grains swell
1st Immersion
6-16 hours to raise water content to 3-37%
2nd) Immersion
10-20 hours
Air Rest
12-24 hours
Expose embryos to oxygen
Remove CO2
Chemical Process
Water enters through the grain, through the microphyle and distributes through the endosperm
The water activates the embryo which produces hormones that migrate to the aleurone
This stimulates production of enzymes
2nd) Germinating
Barley spread in a germination box, this:
Dissipates CO2
Keeps temperature constant
Prevents roots from matting
The acrospire grows alongside of the kernel
Pre-existing enzymes are released and new enzymes are created in the aleurone layer. This modifies the endosperm for the acrospire's use
The enzymes break down the endosprems's protein/carb matrix into smaller carbs, aa's and lipids, also open up the starch reserves
Modification refers to the degree to which enzymes break down the starch granules
Length of the acrospire will be around 75-100%
A Maltster judges the degree of modification by the length of acrospire
3rd) Klining
Drying reduces moisture content from 45% to 5%
Kills any microbes
Performed at low temperatures to minimise degradation of enzymes
Stops germination and kills embryo
Inhibits any ongoing enzyme activity
Diastatic Power: the amount of enzymatic starch conversion potential that a malt has
The acrospire and rootlets are knocked off by tumbling
Malts klined at different times/temp to develop different colours + flavours
Initial Steps
Barely cleaned, sized, viability measured, and N content determined
Biochemsitry of malting
Composed of Amylose and Amylopectin
Enzymes involved are: a-glucosidase, a-amylase, b-amylase
a-amylase is main degrading enzyme
Attacks at random in the middle of amylose and amylopectin
This releases maltose and maltotriose, and dextrins
Maltose is the main sugar found during mash
More thermostable than b-amylase
To achieve gelatinisation mashing includes a conversion stage at 65C for 1 h
Small granules gelatinase at a higher temp than large granules
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