Pre Production Requirements for Documentary


Mapa Mental sobre Pre Production Requirements for Documentary, criado por Ellis Northend em 23-10-2014.
Ellis Northend
Mapa Mental por Ellis Northend, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ellis Northend
Criado por Ellis Northend mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Pre Production Requirements for Documentary
  1. Camera Script
    1. The Camera Script starts with a pan of the room so there is an establishing shot of the location to the audience
      1. Close ups on the interviewees will follow to establish to the audience that these are the main characters
        1. The camera will then show high shots to add dramatization, and will then follow with archive footage and repeated scenes to reference and form scenes from multiple viewpoints
    2. Funding
      1. For the Documentary we will each be putting £25 towards the production in order to pay for transport and food etc. for the crew
        1. This is due to it being a Non-Commercial Documentary
      2. Location Reccee
        1. Is there access to electricity?
          1. How much is this and can the budget afford extra if needed?
          2. Is the Location Affordable?
            1. Is it an appropriate size
              1. Is there room for prop acquisition?
                1. Is it a high enough quality compared to similar locations/prices
                  1. It is essential for Pre-Production as without completing this you will not know enough details about the location, nor will you know whether or not it is suitable. This means that if you were to turn up to a location without completing the location Reccee, the location may not be suitable or safe.
              2. Will weather conditions interrupt production?
                1. The Documentary is being filmed inside so this will not be a problem
              3. Production Schedule
                1. When will the scenes be filmed
                  1. Who will be working, where and when
                    1. Which props are going to be used, by whom and at what times
                      1. How much has been spent, where and when
                        1. Production Schedules are important for knowing when and where things are being put and when they are being completed. It keeps everyone on track as it keeps things manageable and it allows the crew to have deadlines to achieve. Having this production schedule keeps things running smoothly and kept safely: for example the actors know where and when they are being used and therefore no problems will occur.
                      2. Risk Assessment
                        1. Age Factor
                          1. Could be unwell due to health
                          2. Electrical Equipment
                            1. Is it all PAT tested
                              1. It is essential to undertake a risk Assessment before continuing the original idea as the risks may be far too high and could cause serious accidents if not other problems and could postpone the production. Without doing on of these, injuries could occur or massive delays and money will be spent on medical bills (with the possibility to be sued) rather than the production
                            2. Transport to Luton
                              1. Delays and Cancellations
                              2. Props that are fragile and likely to break
                                1. Add replacements into Contingency Fund
                              3. Prop Acquisition
                                1. How long will delivery take of these props
                                  1. Length of delivery may affect production schedule
                                  2. Where can these props be sourced from?
                                    1. The quality will be affected as these can be sourced cheaper but quality will be lower, and vice versa
                                    2. Which props will be needed for specific characters
                                      1. This would depend on budget as to how expensive these items could be
                                      2. What props will locations need?
                                        1. How would some of the more expensive bigger pieces be transported
                                          1. Tables, Chairs, Lights and Old War items Etc.
                                        2. How much will props cost and how much will need to be budgeted for props?
                                          1. If needed will the contingency fund need to be compromised
                                            1. Props Acquisition is essential for the Documentary as without it the documentary could look amateur and unprepared
                                        3. Groups Formed- Brainstorming
                                          1. Roles Were given based on skills and confidence, and were then allocated to appropriate members of the group
                                            1. This was important as if people were allocated the wrong jobs they would not be comfortable and therefore this could present a weaker, less professional project
                                              1. The Finalised roles were Director- Denni, Producer- Ellis, Editors- Louise and Sophie, Camera Operator- Louise, Actors- Sophie's grandparents, Narrator- Ellis, Scriptwriter- Denni, Researcher- Louise, Design and Publicity- Denni and Sophie
                                            2. Ideas about the theme and Topic, wanting something unique
                                              1. Location of project and Genre of Documentary chosen
                                            3. Research
                                              1. Appropriate time for the programme to be broadcasted?
                                                1. Will the Programme have to follow guidelines for the Pre-Watershed Audience?
                                                  1. Length of the programme, which are viewed more often?
                                                    1. How much air time will need to be budgeted
                                                  2. Competitions from other programmes
                                                    1. Is the quality up to their standards?
                                                      1. Research is essential for production as without it the production could be wrongly informed and could present the wrong information. Research will also allow you to plan budgets and schedules and without doing this the production cannot take place.
                                                      2. Which channel will the production be broadcasted on?
                                                        1. Costs?
                                                          1. Does the budget allow this?
                                                        2. Permissions
                                                          1. Permissions from Location Owner
                                                            1. Have the local constraints been agreed?
                                                            2. Actor Permissions
                                                              1. Have the contracts been signed?
                                                              2. Permissions from Ofcom
                                                                1. Do they approve of the Production?
                                                                2. Permissions from Hosting Company
                                                                  1. What affect will this have on the budget? Will the Contingency Fund have to be used prematurely?
                                                                    1. Permissions are important to get whilst in the pre-production stage as having the permissions will prevent problems in the future. Contracts must be signed with all crew members and actors so that problems cannot appear later on
                                                                3. Dialogue Script
                                                                  1. Question list for interviewee's as their responses are pre-scripted
                                                                    1. Having this pre-made stops awkward pauses and allows follow up questions
                                                                      1. Questions must not be yes or no answers
                                                                        1. If the questions are not pre-scripted the purpose of the Documentary may not be reached, as tangents could be explored that may be irrelevant
                                                                          1. Do the audience feel this is achieved?
                                                                            1. Is it appropriate for the time of broadcasting?
                                                                            2. Does this meet the regulations?
                                                                      2. Budgets
                                                                        1. Contingency Fund
                                                                          1. How much must be set aside for this fund?
                                                                          2. Budgeting money for salaries
                                                                            1. How many days will each employee be needed for?
                                                                            2. Budgeting money for marketing
                                                                              1. What platforms will marketing be used on, who will be contributing towards this
                                                                                1. Working the budget out in preproduction is important, without this you could face money issues at any point causing a dramatic affect on the production. Without a budget you could overspend on unimportant things and have no money for the important things which would create a poorer quality production.
                                                                              2. Budgeting money for props
                                                                                1. Are the props at a high enough quality for the level of production
                                                                                2. Budgeting money for location
                                                                                  1. Is the location fitting with all regulations
                                                                                  2. Company Hosting production
                                                                                    1. Is the budget at a large enough sum to match the quality of competing shows hosted by this company
                                                                                  3. Contingency plan
                                                                                    1. Contingency Fund
                                                                                      1. Does this fund cover all materials and personel?
                                                                                      2. Back up equipment
                                                                                        1. Is this quality as good as the primary equipment
                                                                                        2. Back up actors
                                                                                          1. Do you have thier details in case of emergency
                                                                                          2. Supplies= spares
                                                                                            1. Is this all pac tested and safe to use regarding the health and safety risks
                                                                                              1. Contignecy plans allow film crews to run productions smoothly, and it allows to compensate for problems that might occur. It creates a sense of security within the production (if a contingency budget was set and then the initial budget ran out the contingency budget could be used as a back-up) It also allows you to promote your product without needing to borrow additional money.
                                                                                                1. Ellis Northend 262623 Unit 1 Preproduction Brainstorm Task 1
                                                                                          3. Set Construction
                                                                                            1. Budget for set constrution
                                                                                              1. How many sets are needed
                                                                                                1. Are they reusable?
                                                                                                  1. This is the most important for the production as the set needs to safe and secure, and is the filming location. Without it, the production cannot be filmed
                                                                                                  2. Will the contingency fund need to be used, how will these pieces be transported
                                                                                                  3. what items are needed for the set
                                                                                                    1. what can the contributors do about this
                                                                                                    2. How many people will need to be hired to construct this
                                                                                                      1. How long will their contract need to


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