The Indestructible American Flag


Mapa Mental sobre The Indestructible American Flag, criado por enelson252 em 16-08-2013.
Mapa Mental por enelson252, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por enelson252 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Indestructible American Flag
  1. The Indestructible American Flag will save Americans money over time.
    1. Will be the right fit for any customer because we offer all flag sizes.
    2. Whats more patriotic than an indestructable American Flag like our COUNTRY!!!
      1. There no reasons why its a bad idea MERICA!!
        1. Product Differentiation Characteristics:
          1. The Indestructible American Flag cant be ripped, burned, or faded
            1. The Indestructible American Flag comes with the option for customers to buy a flag pole with the flag
              1. The Indestructible American Flag gives a free flag to all veterans
          2. Primary Target:
            1. American Homeowners because there are more homes in the United States than any other building.
            2. Secondary Target:
              1. Schools (Public, Private, K-12, College) because all schools are required to have a American Flag raised somewhere on their property
              2. Tertiary Target:
                1. Public Areas (Government buildings and Parks, etc.) because they also have mandates to have an American Flag raised on their property
                2. "An Indestructible American Flag!!! What more do you need!! Merica!"
                  1. Business Structure: Corporation

                      Anexos de mídia


                      Gerenciamento de Projetos - conceitos básicos
                      Luiz Fernando
                      Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #9
                      Eduardo .
                      Vestibular - Roteiro de Estudos
                      GoConqr suporte .
                      Citologia IV (Organelas celulares)
                      Luiz Antonio Lopes
                      Informática - questões gerais
                      António Mordido
                      Brasil Colônia
                      Andreia Pinheiro
                      Plano de estudos ENEM - Parte 1 *Humanas
                      Alice Sousa
                      Estrutura e Formação de Palavras
                      Informática Para Concursos - Conceitos Iniciais (Part. 1)
                      Uso da vírgula
                      Kekê Dantas
                      História do Islamismo
                      Marcus Vital