Celebrations from other Countries


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Selena  Ayala
Mapa Mental por Selena Ayala, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Selena  Ayala
Criado por Selena Ayala quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Celebrations from other Countries
  1. Ireland
    1. St. Patrick day
      1. The first St. Patrick's parade was held in Boston
        1. Everything turns green
          1. they wear green on Saint Patrick's Day
    2. Brazil
      1. Carnival in Rio the Janeiro
        1. The most famous event of the year in Brazil.
          1. The samba parade
            1. Pet parties on the street
              1. Clothing, costumes and dances among friends.
        2. Spain
          1. Pamplona San Fermin
            1. Festivities in honor of a saint
              1. It is celebrated on July 6 to 14.
                1. the party is in the street
                2. San Fermín
            2. Mexico
              1. Day of the dear
                1. It is considered the most representative tradition of Mexican culture.
                  1. the dead are worshiped through altars
                    1. In the night they watch the altar of the dead man.
                      1. They organize artistic activities, shows and cult to the dead.
                  2. Peru
                    1. Inti-Raymi
                      1. Sun party
                        1. on june 24, the population gathers for the star of a new solar year.
                        2. They are dances, representations, typical costumes and a series of ideal activities for tourism.


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