Peripheral Vascular Disease


Mapa Mental sobre Peripheral Vascular Disease, criado por Dhulfiqar Ali em 08-03-2019.
Dhulfiqar Ali
Mapa Mental por Dhulfiqar Ali, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Dhulfiqar Ali
Criado por Dhulfiqar Ali aproximadamente 6 anos atrás
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Resumo de Recurso

Peripheral Vascular Disease
  1. A 63 years old man, heavy smoker, complaining of leg pain for a while.
    1. is a blood circulation disorder that causes the blood vessels outside of your heart and brain to narrow, block, or spasm.
      1. Types
        1. Functional
          1. Emotional Stress & Cold Temp.
          2. Organic
            1. Atherosclerosis
              1. Vasculitis
                1. Large Vessel
                  1. Medium Vessel
                    1. Small Vessel
              2. Risk Factors
                1. Age. Overweight. Smoking & Avoid exercise. Family history. Race. Diabetes.
                2. Causes
                  1. PAD, Blood clots, diabetes, inflammation of blood vessels, infections, injury & structural defects
                  2. Diagnosis
                    1. Diagnosing of PVD: History, Physical examination. CBC, ABI, Blood lipid profile, Doppler ultrasound, CT scan, MRA, Treadmill exercise test.
                      1. ABI
                        1. Physical Examination
                          1. Ankel-brachial index
                            1. Allen Test
                              1. Beurger's Test
                                1. Pulselessness & Parethesia
                                  1. Asses peripheral arteries & Veins
                              2. Management
                                1. Management of PVD: Risk Fator Modification, stop smoking,Exercise, Hypolipidemic Therapy, Control of Diabetes & HTN. Revascularization, Angioplasty, bypass surgery.
                                  1. Review
                                  2. Classification:
                                    1. Classification: I: mild pain on walking (claudication). II: severe pain on walking (intermittent claudication). III: pain while resting. IV: tissue loss (gangrene).
                                      1. Ddx of Claudication
                                    2. Complications
                                      1. Gangrene. Heart attack or stroke. Impotence. Paleness. Severe pain. Slow-healing wounds. Fatal infections of the bones and blood.
                                      2. S & S
                                        1. Claudication, Leg Pain & Ulcers Paresthesias, Pale Skin Cold Extremities, Brittle Nails Pulse Absent, Lower Extremity Tingling & Numbness of Limbs Lower Extremity Muscle Weakness Lower Extremity Swellings, Hair Loss

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