An Early Arrival


Mapa Mental sobre An Early Arrival, criado por zainab ahmed em 27-04-2019.
zainab ahmed
Mapa Mental por zainab ahmed, atualizado more than 1 year ago
zainab ahmed
Criado por zainab ahmed quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

An Early Arrival
  1. Premature Birth
    1. Definition
      1. birth that occurs before the start of the 37th week of pregnancy.
      2. Complications
        1. Immature Lungs
          1. Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
            1. Transient tachypnea
              1. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD)
                1. Pneumonia
                  1. Apnea and Bradycardia
                  2. Infection
                    1. Jaundice
                      1. Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH)
                        1. Inability to maintain body heat
                          1. Immature gastrointestinal and digestive system
                            1. Anemia
                            2. Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
                              1. Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)
                                1. Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)
                                  1. Sepsis
                                  2. management
                                    1. incubator
                                      1. monitor vitals
                                        1. feeding tube
                                          1. Replenishing fluids
                                            1. bilirubin lights
                                              1. blood transfusion
                                                1. medications
                                              2. stages of labour
                                                1. Breastfeeding
                                                  1. contraindications
                                                    1. benefits
                                                      1. provides all nutrients needed for the baby
                                                        1. high in protein
                                                          1. low in sugar
                                                            1. help immature digestive tract develop
                                                              1. contain important antibodies
                                                                1. stronger immune system
                                                                2. reduce the risk of many diseases
                                                                  1. promotes healthy weight gain without obesity
                                                                    1. better vision
                                                                      1. for the mother
                                                                        1. increase self-esteem
                                                                          1. lower risk of depression
                                                                            1. calmness
                                                                          2. duration
                                                                            1. at least 6 months
                                                                              1. recommended for one year
                                                                            2. Gestational age by fundal height


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                                                                              Os processos de gestão de pessoas
                                                                              Curiosidades do Mundo: Fatos da História
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                                                                              Progressão Aritmética (P.A.)
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                                                                              ENGENHARIA CIVIL
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                                                                              Instrumentação Cirúrgica
                                                                              Lia Argenton