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Chapter 1: Introduction
Macroeconomics chapter 1
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Naaz Paul
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Naaz Paul
aproximadamente 5 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
Chapter 1: Introduction
What is Macroeconomics?
Large questions + issues faced by many people and nations
Ues economic models
based on microeconomic principles
focuses on long-run growth and business cycles
Long-run growth is the increase in a nation's productive capacity and the average standard of living over a long time
Business cycles are the short-run ups and downs/booms and recessions in aggregate economic activity
GDP, Economic Growth, Business Cycles
GDP is the quantity of goods and services produced within a country's borders during some specified period of time.
quantity of income earned by those contributing to domestic output
fluctuations in economic growth are business cycles
Natural log is used to calculate growth rate
This is the slope of the graph AKA the growth rate of time series
difference between ln real GDP/capita and ln of actual real GDP/capital is business cycle
economic models must be simple but useful
structure of an economic model describes specific things
consumers and firms interacting in economy
set of goods consumers wish to consume
consumers' preference over goods
technology available to firms for producing goods
resources available
models must be used to make predictions
consumers and firms goals? to optimize
how is consistency achieved? equilibrium
competitive equilibrium: goods are bought and sold in markets where consumers are price-takers
run experiments to see if they are consistent and then use them for experiments
Microeconomic priniciples
macro behavior is the sum of micro decisions
adding more micro to macro generally more agreed upon in 1970s
rational expectations revolution / Lucas critique 1976
Disagreement in macroeconomicss
Solow and endogenous growth models generally accepted
Disagreement about business cycles + role of govt
Old Keynesian models
wages/prices sticky in short run + do not change quickly enough for sufficient outcomes
monetary and fiscal policy can fix inefficiencies in private markets
coordination thought
stuck in bad equilibrium because economic agents are self-fulfillingly pessimistic
New Keynesian
sticky wages/prices BUT use micro tools
real business cycle theory brought by RER
govt policy to smooth business cycles is ineffective/detrimental
what do we learn from macroeconomic analysis
what is produced and consumed is determined by both economic productive capacity and consumers' preferences
free market economies - strong forces that produce socially efficient economic outcomes
unemployment is painful but necessary for modern economy
improving standard of living is by long run tech advancement
tax cut is not a free lunch
govt will have to borrow more to pay of debt to keep spending constant so taxes in future will be higher
credit markets/banks play key roles
consumers and firms' future anticipation affects current events
Society is better with money than without it,
once we have money changing the quantity doesn't matter
business cycles are similar but can have many causes
trading can be good but also a shock to domestic economy
inflation is caused by growth in money supply
there is no long-run trade of between aggregate output and inflation
Philips Curve
Unstable + no long-run impact
Understanding recent and current macroeconomic events
Aggregate productivity
average labor productivity
{Y (aggregate output)/ N (employment)}
determines growth in loving standards in long-run
late 60s to early 80s = productivity slowdown
two reasons for this
measuring problem
adjustment period for adoption of new technology
unemployment and vacancies
socially useful search activity
efficiently searching firms and workers are matched
determined by productivity, govt provided unemployment insurance, matching efficiency
Beveridge curve
Taxes, govt spending, govt deficit
Increased govt spending = crowding out private economic activity
govt competes for resources with rest of economy
reduction in spending and consumption in private firms
Difference between taxes and spending = total govt surplus/saving
negative govt surplus = govt. deficit
debt we owe ourselves
redistribution of tax burden
Ricardian equivalence theorem = no consequences to deficit
rate of change in the average level of prices
explained in long run by growth supply of money
long-run inflation is costly
reduces employment, output, consumption
controlled by central bank
Interest rates
affect private economic decisions
how much consumers borrow/lend
how much firms invest
nominal interest rate
interest rate in money terms of 91-day US Treasury Bills
rises and falls with inflation rate
real interest rate
= nominal interest rate - rate of inflation
fluctuates a lot over time
Business cycles in the US
deviations from trend in aggregate economic activity
recessions have many reasons
increase in price of energy
depleting optimism
monetary policy
Credit Markets and the Financial Crisis
2008 caused by credit marker "frictions"
Asymmetric info
good borrowers affected due to default premium
should have checked credit-worthiness
limited commitment
borrower's lack of incentive to pay in credit market
post collateral
current account surplus
measure of balance of trade
net exports of goods/services + net factor payments
when negative = current account deficit
goods/services bought from abroad by domestic > goods bought by domestic from domestic
not necessarily bad
smooth aggregate consumption
finance additions to productive capacity for higher future standard of living
influenced by govt spending, and domestic and foreign income
Anexos de mídia
Growthrate (binary/octet-stream)
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