

África, américa , europa , antártica , ásia , Austrália e Oceania .
Nadine Daou Brandão
Mapa Mental por Nadine Daou Brandão, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nadine Daou Brandão
Criado por Nadine Daou Brandão mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Africa
    1. It is one of the six continents in the world ,being the third largest in teritorrial extension;
      1. It occupies approximately 20 % of the lands continental area.More than a billion inhabitants live on the continent ,making it the second most populous among the rest;
        1. North Africa and sub Saharan Africa are distributed in :
          1. . Central Africa;
            1. . South Africa ;
              1. . Northern Africa ;
                1. . Western Africa ;
                  1. . East Africa.
          2. Savanna is the predominant vegetation on the Africa continent.
            1. The Africa continent and the poorest among the continents.
              1. The Sahara ,the largest desert in the world ,is located in Africa.
      2. America
        1. America is the largest continent extending north south located in the Western Hemisphere ;
          1. The continent is inhabited by more than 902,892,047 people ,and in it several languages are sponken ,suich as Spanish ,English and Portuguese ,among others.
            1. The continent consists of 35 countries and 18 more independent territories . The countries are bathed by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans .
              1. This huge territory is divided into subcontinents ,by which
                1. .North America ;
                  1. .South America and
                    1. .Central America.
                      1. The great America continent has a wide territorial extension in the north south derection ,that is it has yet another great variation in its latitudes.
              2. Asia
                1. The Asian continent is the largest and most populous continent in the world.
                  1. There are 4.3 billion inhabitants spread over 44.479.000 km 2 and 50 countries compared to Antarctica.
                    1. Asia is also bathed by three oceans :
                      1. To the east by the Pacific,
                        1. to the north by the Artic Glacier and to the south by the Indian Ocean .
                          1. The most bathed part is to the north .
                      2. The Asian continent has a varied relief .
                        1. It has the highest and lowest point on Earth ,which are ,respectively :
                          1. Mount Everest :
                            1. [ 8,848 m above sea level ]
                            2. The Dead Sea :
                              1. [ 392 m below sea level ]
                        2. Oceania
                          1. Oceania is a continent located in Southeast Asia,comprising a large number of island groups odding to Australia.
                            1. In this continental area ,approximately 38 million people live ,so it is the least populated continent in the world .
                              1. Although there are many thousands of other islands in the region ,there are only 14 independent states .
                                1. All of the landforms in Oceania are geologically newer ,with emphasis on the numerous volcanic islands.
                                  1. In economic terms ,the two main coutries are Australia and New Zealand considered to be one of the only developed countries in the world that are located in the southern hemisphere.
                          2. Antárdida
                            1. Occupying a territory similar in size to that of Brasil ,it is considered the largest of the deserts ,this because it presents the most adverse conditions for the maintenance and proliferation of life.
                              1. Due to the harsh climatic conditions ,it has no permanent population ,although it has a provisional population of scientists and support staff at the polar bases.
                                1. Antarctica comes from Anti Artica ,in the sense that it is at the post to the Artic [which is at the north pole],both are diametrically opposed ,one being at the north end of the Earth and the other at the south end of the Earth.
                                  1. t is the coldest continent in the world ,being almost completely frozen throughout the year.
                                    1. It is the continent with more uniform climate and vegetation.
                                      1. The best known animals are the penguins of the most varied species .Being the animals that serve as a symbol of it.
                                      2. Europa
                                        1. Europe is one of the six continents in the world ,with the second smallest in territorial extension .
                                          1. It is located in West Asia and Noth Africa .The continent comprises 50 countries and has the largest economic bloc in the world.
                                            1. The largest country is Russia and the smallest country is the Vatican.
                                              1. Europe is the fourth most populous continent, with more than 740 million inhabitants .It is the most attractive continent for migrants from all regions of the world.
                                                1. The highest point ,however ,is Mount Ellbrus ,on extinct volcano located in the Cáucaro moutain range , in Russia.


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