1848 Revolution


Mapa Mental sobre 1848 Revolution, criado por Micaela Decarvalho em 22-06-2020.
Micaela Decarvalho
Mapa Mental por Micaela Decarvalho, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Micaela Decarvalho
Criado por Micaela Decarvalho mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

1848 Revolution
  1. Groups
    1. Legitimists
      1. a group of nobles who considered the deposition of Charles X illegitimate and wished to return to the principles established at the Congress of Vienna
      2. Bonapartists
        1. members of the petty bourgeoisie led by Luis Bonaparte, Napoleon's nephew
        2. Republicans
          1. constituted by defenders of universal suffrage (all citizens have the right to vote) and against the hereditary right of kings
          2. Socialists
            1. made up of workers' movements, inspired by the ideas of socialism that were spreading throughout Europe
          3. Factors
            1. Economic crisis
              1. ↓ Agricultural production
                1. ↑ Food prices
                  1. ↓ fabric consumption = ↓ industry
                    1. ↑ Unemployment = ↑ poverty
                      1. ↑ Dissatisfaction of peasants, workers and the petty bourgeoisie (middle class)
                    2. Consequences
                      1. Abdication of King Louis Philip
                        1. ↑ Second Republic (1848-1852)
                          1. Provisional government
                            1. Participation of liberal and socialist bourgeoisie
                              1. Creation of national workshops + reduction of working hours
                                1. "Universal" vote
                                  1. Luís Bonaparte elected president
                                  2. Second Empire (1852-1870)
                                    1. Blow = Louis Bonaparte = Napoleon III, Emperor of France
                                      1. Confirmation by plebiscite


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