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GCSE AQA Biology 3 Food Production
A mind map showing information about efficient food production, mycoprotein, problems with intensive farming and food distribution and fish stocks.
Sem etiquetas
biology unit 3
food production
fish stocks
biology 3
Mapa Mental por
Lilac Potato
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Lilac Potato
quase 10 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
GCSE AQA Biology 3 Food Production
Efficiency of food production can be improved by:
Reducing the number of stages in the food chain
Less energy/biomass as you move up food chain
For area of land - can produce more food more humans by growing crops rather than having grazing animals
People do need varied diet (demand for meat) & some land is unsuitable for growing crops
Restricting energy lost by farm animals
Animals often intensively farmed - kept close together indoors in small pens, they're warm & can't move about
Saves them wasting energy on movement & stops them giving out energy as heat - makes transfer of energy from feed to animal more efficient
Makes things cheaper for farmer & consumer
Developing new food sources like mycoprotein
Mycoprotein: Protein from fungi (Fusarium is main source) - used to make meat substitutes for veg meals
Grown in fermenters, using glucose syrup as food (obtained by digesting maize starch with enzymes)
Fungus respires aerobically - with nitrogen (as ammonia)
Important to prevent other microorganisms growing - fermenter initially sterilised, incoming nutrients heat sterilised & air supply is filtered
Mycoprotein harvested & purified
Good in developing countries
Problems with efficient food production
Some people think forcing animals to live in unnatural/uncomfortable conditions is cruel (growing demand for organic meat)
Crowded conditions create favourable environment for spread of diseases
To prevent disease - animals are given antibiotics
When animals are eaten, antibiotics enter humans - allows microbes that infect humans to develop immunity
Animals need to be kept warm - using power from fossil fuels
Fish stocks are getting low but fish continues to feed animals that are intensively farmed
Food distribution causes problems
Some foods have lots of 'food miles' - transported a long way
Can be expensive & bad for environment
Overfishing is decreasing fish stocks
Less fish for us to eat
Need to maintain fish stocks at level where they continue to breed (sustainable food production)
Can do this by:
Fishing quotas - limits on number & size of fish (prevents certain species being overfished)
Net size - different limits on mesh size of fish net (reduce no. of unwanted fish - help them escape)
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