Social policy and wellbeing


K218 exam revision
Mapa Mental por ibiorban, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Resumo de Recurso

Social policy and wellbeing
  1. public policy-policy produced by governments
    1. important factors shaping the local conditions and services that families experience
    2. Distribution of resources
      1. determine how services are funded and what practitioners are empowered to do.
      2. main areas
        1. Health
          1. Education
            1. Material needs
              1. Housing
                1. Transport
                  1. Income distribution
                    1. Social care
                    2. Wellbeing
                      1. the wellfare state
                        1. Beveridge report
                          1. Principle of universality
                          2. 1945–1975 and the ideology of the social democratic welfare state enjoyed widespread support
                            1. Conservative governments seeked to reinstate a greater measure of individual and family responsibility for welfare, attacking both the ‘entitlement culture’ and provision
                              1. Labour governments - 1997 to 2010,
                                1. introduced a minimum wage, worked towards full employment and sought to attract investment via favourable corporation tax regimes
                                  1. Sure Start children's centre programme
                                    1. stronger focus on stimulating the supply of, and demand for, high quality childcare services within neighbourhoods and within groups with high rates of worklessness and long-term poverty
                                      1. development of an early education curriculum
                                      2. Children’s Commissioners
                                        1. promotes and protects children's rights
                                          1. listening to what children and young people say about what matters to them and making sure adults in charge take their views and interests into account
                                            1. should have particular regard to children living away from home or receiving social care,
                                      3. Social policy
                                        1. can shape practice
                                          1. it is up to practitioners to make it work
                                            1. arose from the particular problems identified by the politicians and political commentators at the time
                                              1. should address inequality
                                              2. The state and the family
                                                1. Care and learning
                                                  1. Family policies
                                                    1. are developed for both families and for children and young people
                                                      1. often include provisions aimed at children
                                                        1. helping families will not automatically help children
                                                      2. Public policy, children and young people
                                                        1. involves private and public lives
                                                          1. use of subjective terms such as a ‘good childhood’ or ‘hard-working families
                                                            1. the theory of everything-
                                                              1. almost every social problem common in developed societies – reduced life expectancy, child mortality, drugs, crime, homicide rates, mental illness and obesity – has a single root cause: inequality.
                                                                1. Wilkinson and Pickett (2009) research
                                                                  1. everyone loses in an unequal society
                                                                    1. others offer arguments and evidence that disadvantages of birth can be counteracted by things such as the quality of education


                                                                  The law
                                                                  A critical understanding of policy practice and service
                                                                  web of relationships
                                                                  Social Pedagogy
                                                                  Skills and strategies for practice
                                                                  In trouble with the law
                                                                  Places and spaces
                                                                  Knowledge, values and reflection
                                                                  Knowledges, skills, values and technologies for collaborative practice