Money necessary for happiness?


Mapa Mental sobre Money necessary for happiness?, criado por vincenza8907 em 10-06-2015.
Mapa Mental por vincenza8907, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por vincenza8907 mais de 9 anos atrás

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Money necessary for happiness?
  1. Examples in Literature
    1. A Christmas Carol
      1. Ebenezer Scrooge
        1. Wealthy
          1. Miserable
            1. Treats everyone poorly
              1. Greedy
                1. Lonely
                2. Bob Cratchit
                  1. Poor
                    1. Humble
                      1. Generous
                        1. Large family
                          1. Scrooge's clerk
                        2. The Great Gatsby
                          1. Jay Gatsby
                            1. Humble background
                              1. Acquired wealth to win Daisy
                                1. Money was never the goal, but Daisy was
                                  1. Optimistic
                                  2. Daisy Buchanan
                                    1. Bitter
                                      1. Indifferent
                                        1. Wealthy
                                          1. Enjoys the ease of money
                                            1. flippant
                                        2. Real Sources of happiness
                                          1. Time spent with Family and friends
                                            1. Building happy memories
                                              1. positive life experiences
                                              2. not what you have, but who you have
                                                1. life is more satisfying
                                            2. Materialism
                                              1. leads to dissatisfaction
                                                1. Stress
                                                  1. competing with others
                                                    1. recent rise of credit card debt
                                                  2. benefits of money
                                                    1. Security
                                                      1. Less stressful
                                                        1. It's not bad to have nice things


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