Professional Development (PD)


Mapa Mental sobre Professional Development (PD), criado por annrenejoseph em 15-09-2015.
Mapa Mental por annrenejoseph, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por annrenejoseph aproximadamente 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Professional Development (PD)
  1. Visual Arts
    1. Betty Edwards
      1. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
        1. Drawing Upside Down
      2. Washington Art Education Association (WAEA)
        1. National Art Education Association (NAEA
          1. Pacific Region Leadership Conferences
            1. Raku
          2. Gage Academy of Art
            1. Drawing
              1. Classical Painting Atelier
                1. Juliette Aristides
                2. Teachers' Art Exhibit
                3. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
                  1. Visual Arts Classroom Based Performance Assessments (CBPAs)
                    1. Arts Learning Standards
                      1. Visual Arts Learning Standards Writing Team
                        1. Options for Implementing the K-12 Arts Learning Standards through Visual Arts by Grade Level
                      2. Annual Superintendent's High School Art Show
                        1. Program Supervisor for the Arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts) for Teaching, Learning, & Assessment
                      3. Definition of Professional Development from
                        1. "The process of obtaining the skills, qualifications, and experience that allow you to make progress in your career."
                        2. Degrees and Endorsements
                          1. Bachelor's
                            1. Master's
                              1. Principal's Credential
                                1. Superintendent's Credential
                                  1. Doctorate
                                    1. Dissertation
                                      1. Arts and Academic Achievement
                                  2. Leadership
                                    1. FEBI


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                                    Termos téc. Enfermagem
                                    Letícia Silva
                                    Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #10
                                    Eduardo .
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                                    Palácio das Memórias (técnica em 05 etapas) - SEJA O MESTRE DO SEU PALÁCIO
                                    Direito Civil
                                    GoConqr suporte .
                                    Dir. Constitucional - Classificação das Constituições
                                    Lucas Ávila
                                    Contabilidade Geral
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                                    Jéssica Meireles