Modern Sport of Korea developed and was used to influence Korean ideological nationalism under Japanese occupation. Sport was used as a
means of preserving Korean pride and heritage helping to form a sense of unity among oppressed Koreans. Modern sport is a product of
nationalism. The modern development of Multiculturalism and "global Korea" is at odds with with its homogeneous ethnic nationalistic roots.
Research Problem
Sport in Korea was actively mobilized to serve the goals of the military government after the Korean war. A slogan "Physical Fitness is the National
Power" was based on ideology that physical power is national power. The question arises "how do Koreans feel and think about non Koreans taking
part in Korean sport and contributing to Korean sport culture when such strong nationalistic views of homogeneous pride are fostered by Korean
South Korean society has entered the first phase of multiethnic and multicultural society development. Immigration rates are on the rise in South
Korea. Due to Increasing entry of migrant workers International marriage, as well as ethnic Koreans from China and North Korea, South Korea has
become more multicultural and multiethnic than ever. As of 2007 over 1 million foreigners were registered and residing in South Korea. Sports
culture in Korea can be a voice used to grow diverse ideologies of multiculturalism in Korea while forming bonds between groups through
competition and camaraderie helping to improve and avoid issues.
Objective to answer the
following (Research
RQ1: How do Koreans view
non Koreans participating in
sports (national/ recreational)
considering the homogeneous
and nationalistic ties of sport
in Korea?
RQ2: Can Sport be used
as a vehicle to maintain
Korean cultural identity
as well as improved
cross-cultural relations
in Korea?
RQ3: Can the nationalism of Korean
sport be used as a tool to grow social
values of South Koreans such as
feelings of social dissidents towards
foreigners and minorities?
Immigration, multiculturalism, diversity, difference, and the figure of the
foreigner are not new phenomenon. They are as old as humanity. Previous
research must be reviewed and updated to fit Koreas growing
multiculturalism. The importance of sport should not be underestimated
within these changes."The ethnic presence of sports has served to confront
people with the social reality of multiculturalism. Change and public opinion
and Outlook have been in part shaped by ethnic involvement in sports.
Applying past models and understanding how Koreans and Foreigners can
interact using sport can aid in the broader picture of Koreas divelopment
The scope of this study will be
broad and aimed at Korea as a
whole. Data regarding opinion
from other studies will be included
in the dissertation
Literature Review/Theoretical Foundation
Reviews of Korean nationalism, Sport, Multiculturalism and Korean trends will be
analyzed. Various reviews of previous research done by Korean universities Will also be
utilized. Case studies of other Asian multicultural issues and successes will also be
reviewed. Terms such as "linear ethnicity", "assimilation theory" "acculturation" "social
Korea has been referred to as the"hermit kingdom" before its rapid development. Due
to imperialism sports such as soccer have taken root in Korea. Sport was utilized to
foster nationalism, pride, and as a means of self for preservation during Japan
colonization rule. During Koreas rapid development, Nationalism and military might
through sport evoked National motivation and helped propel Korea to economic
independence and success. However as Korea has grown foreign influence has also
increased. This has led to a new era in South Koreas development of multiculturalism.
Sport has been used to unify, Understand, and even woke nationalistic pride among
varying ethnic groups and minorities in other parts of the world. Can The usage of
sports be used to help Koreans and foreigners find common ground. Intrinsic and
conservative values of the older generation versus more liberal and independent
thought must also be analyzed to answer the purpose of this dissertation.
Possibly (Quantitative/Mixed methods). This dissertation
will require the author to research current trends
and existing data to form conclusions regarding
the proposal.
Sources of Data
Data will be found through research of existing
material and scientific sources. Specific sources of
public quantified data will be discussed when found
and then verified.