Living things have thousands of different chemical reactions
going on inside them all the time. These reactions need to be
carefully controlled - to get the right amount of substance
You can usually make a reaction happen more quickly by
raising the temperature. This would speed up the useful
reactions but also the unwanted ones too ... not good. There's
also a limit to how far you can raise the temperature inside
a living creature before its cells start getting damaged.
so ... living things produce enzymes that act as a biological catalysts.
Enzymes reduce the need for high temperatures and we only have
enzymes to speed up the useful chemical reactions in the body.
Enzymes are all proteins and all proteins
are make up of chains of amino acids.
These chains are folded into unique shapes,
which enzymes are needed to do their jobs.
As well as catalysts, proteins act as a
structural compounds of tissues (e.g.
muscles), hormones and antibodies.
Enzymes have special shapes
so they can catalyse reactions
Chemical reactions
usually involve things
either being split apart
or joining together.
Every enzyme has a unique
shape that fits onto the
substance involved in a reaction.
Enzymes are really picky - they
usually only catalyse one reaction.
This is because, for the
enzyme to work, the
substance has to fit its
special shape. If the
substance doesn't
match the enzyme's
shape, then the reaction
won't be catalysed.
Enzymes need the right
temperature and pH
Changing the temperature
changes the rate of an
enzyme-catalysed reaction
Like with any reaction, a higher
temperature increases the rate at first.
But if it gets too hot, some of the bonds
holding the enzyme together break. This
destroys the enzyme's activation zone
(special shape) and so it won't work any
more. It's said to be denatured.
The pH also affects enzymes. If it's too high or too low,
the pH interferes with the bonds holding the enzyme
together. This changes the shape and denatures the
Enzymes in the
human body
normally work
best at 37°C
All enzymes have an optimum
pH that they work beat at. It's
often neutral pH 7, but not
always - e.g. pepsin is an enzyme
used to break down proteins in
the stomach. It works best at pH
2, which means it's well-suited to
the acidic conditions there.
Digestive enzymes break down
big molecules into smaller ones
Starch, proteins
and fats are BIG
They're too big to
pass through the
walls of the
digestive system.
Sugars, amino
acids, glycerol and
fatty acids are
much smaller
molecules. They
can pass easily
through the walls
of the digestive
The digestive
enzymes break
down BIG molecules
into smaller ones.
Bile neutralises the stomach
acid and emulsifies fats
Bile is produced in the liver. It's
stored in the gall bladder before it's
released into the small intestine
The hydrochloric acid in the stomach makes the pH
too acidic for enzymes in the small intestine to
work properly. Bile is alkaline - it neutralises the
acid and makes conditions alkaline. The enzymes in
the small intestine work best in alkaline conditions.
It emulsifies fats. In other words it breaks the
fat into tiny droplets. This gives a much bigger
surface are of fat for the enzyme lipase to
work on - which makes its digestion faster.
The breakdown of food is catalysed by enzymes
Enzymes used in the digestive system are produced
by specialised cells in glands and in the gut lining.
Different enzymes catalyse the
breakdown of different food molecules.
Respiration involves many reactions, all
of which are catlysed by enzymes.
There are really important reactions, as
respiration releases the energy that all
cells need to do just about everything.
Respiration is the process of releasing
energy from the breakdown of glucose -
and it goes on in every cell in your body.
It happens in plants too. All living
things respire. It's how they
release energy from their food.
Aerobic respiration needs plenty of oxygen
Aerobic respiration is respiration using oxygen. It's the most efficient way to
release energy from glucose. (You can also have anaerobic respiration, which
happens without oxygen, but that doesn't release nearly as much energy.)
Aerobic respiration goes on all
the time in plants and animals.
Most of the reactions in
aerobic respiration happens
inside mitochondria.
Respiration releases energy in all kinds of
Muscles are make of muscle cells. these use
oxygen to release energy from glucose (aerobic
respiration), which is used to contract the muscle.
An increase in muscle activity requires more glucose and oxygen to be
supplied to the muscle cells. Extra carbon dioxide needs to be removed from
the muscle cells. For this to happen the blood has to flow at a faster rate.
This is why physical activity:
Increases your breathing rate and makes you breathe
more deeply to meet the demands for extra oxygen.
Increases the speed at which your heart pumps.
Glycogen is used during exercise
Some glucose from food is stored as glycogen.
Glycogen's mainly stored in the liver, but each muscle has its own store.
During various exercise muscles use glucose rapidly, so some of the glycogen is converted back to glucose to provide more energy.
Anaerobic respiration is used
if there's not enough oxygen
When you do vigorous exercise and your body can't supply enough oxygen to your
muscles, they start doing anaerobic respiration instead or aerobic respiration.
"Anaerobic" just means "without oxygen". It's the incomplete
breakdown of glucose which produces lactic acid.
It's not the best way of converting glucose into energy because lactic
acid builds up in the muscles, which gets painful. It also causes muscle
fatigue - the muscle gets tired and they stop contracting efficienty.
Another downside is that
anaerobic respiration does not
release nearly as much energy
as aerobic respiration - but it's
useful in emergencies.
The advantages is that at
least you can keep using your
muscles for a while longer.
Anaerobic respiration
leads to an oxygen debt
After resorting to anaerobic respiration, when
you stop exercising you'll have an "oxygen debt".
In other words you have to "repay" the oxygen that you didn't get to your muscles in
time, because your lungs, heart, and blood couldn't keep up with the demand earlier on.
This means you have to keep breathing hard for a while after you stop, to get oxygen into your blood. Blood
flows through your muscles to remove lactic acid by oxidising it to harmless carbon dioxide and water.
While high level of CO2 and lactic acid
are detected in the blood (by the brain),
the pulse and breathing rate stay high
to try and rectify the situation.
Enzymes are the 'biological' ingredients in
biological detergents and washing powders
They're mainly protein-digesting enzymes
(proteases) and fat-digesting enzymes (lipases)
Because the enzymes break down plant and animal
matter, they're ideal for removing stains like food or blood
Biological detergents are also more effective at working at
low temperatures (e.g. 30 °C) than other types of detergents
Enzymes are used
to change food
The proteins in some baby foods are 'pre-digested' using protein-digesting
enzymes (proteases). so they're easier for the baby to digest
Carbohydrate-digesting enzymes (carbohydrases)
can be to turn starch syrup into sugar syrup
Glucose syrup can be turned into fructose syrup using an isomerase enzyme.
Fructose is sweeter, so you can use less of it - good for slimming foods and drinks
Using enzymes in industry
uses a lot of control
Enzymes are really useful in industry. They speed up reactions
without the need for high temperatures and pressures. You
need to know the advantages and disadvantages of using them
specific, so
they only
catalyse the
you want
them to
Using lower
temperatures and
pressures means
a lower cost and
it saves energy
work for a
long time, so
after the
initial cost of
buying them
you can
use them
They are
and therefore
cause less
Some people can
develop allergies
to the enzymes
(e.g. in biological
washing powders
Enzymes can be denatured by even a
small increase in temperature. They're
also susceptible to poisons and changes
in pH. This means the conditions in which
they work must be tightly controlled.
Enzymes can be
expensive to produce
of enzymes
with other
can affect the
It contains all the instructions to put an
organism together and make it work
It's found in the
nucleus of animal cells,
in really long molecules
called chromosomes
A gene codes for
a specific proteins
A gene is a section of DNA.
It contains the instructions
to make a specific protein
Cells make proteins by
stringing amino acids
together in a particular order
Only 20 amino
acids are used,
but they make
up thousands of
Genes simply tell cells
in what order to put the
amino acids together
DNA also determines what
proteins the cell produces,
e.g. hemoglobin, keratin
That intern decides what
type of cell it is, e.g. red
blood cell, skin cell
Everyone has
unique DNA
Almost everyone's DNA
is unique. The only
exception are identical
twins or clones
DNA fingerprinting is a way of
cutting up a person's DNA into
small sections and then separating
them. Every person's genetic
fingerprint had a unique pattern.
This means that you can tell people
apart by comparing their DNA
DNA fingerprinting
is used in...
Forensic science - DNA (from hair,
skin, blood etc.) taken from a
crime scene is compared with DNA
samples taken from a suspect
Paternity testing - to see
if someone is the father
of a particular child
Body cells normally have 2 copies of each
chromosome - one from the organism's
mother and one from the father
The diagram shows 23 pairs of
chromosomes from a human cell.
the 23rd pair is a bit different
When a body cell divides it needs to make new cells identical
to the original cell - with the same number of chromosomes
This type of cell division is called mitosis. It's
used when plants and animals want to grow
or to replace cells that have been damaged
Mitosis is when a cell reproduces itself by
splitting to form two identical offspring
In the cell that's not dividing, the DNA is all spread out in long strings
If the cell gets a signal to divide, it needs to
duplicate its DNA - so there's one copy for
each new cell. The DNA is copied and forms
X-shaped chromosomes. Each 'arm' of the
chromosome is an exact duplicate of the other
The left arm
has the same
DNA as the
right arm of
The chromosomes then line up at the centre of the
cell and cell fibres pull them apart. The 2 arms of
each chromosome go to opposite ends of the cell
Membranes form around each of the sets of
chromosomes. These become the nuclei of the 2 new cells
Lastly the cytoplasm divides
You now have 2 new cells containing
exactly the same DNA - they'r identical
Asexual reproduction
also uses mitosis
Some organisms also reproduce by mitosis e.g.
strawberry plants form runners in this way
This is an example of
asexual reproduction
The offspring have the exact same genes
as the parent - there is NO VARIATION
During sexual
reproduction, two ells
called gametes (sex
cells) combine to
form a new individual
Gametes only have
one copy of each
This is so that you can combine one
sex cell from the 'Mother' and one
sex cell from the 'Father' and still
end up with the right number of
chromosomes in the body cell.
For example, human body cells have
46 chromosomes. The gametes have
23 chromosomes each, so that
when the egg and sperm combine,
you get 46 chromosomes again
The new individual
will have a mixture
of two sets of
chromosomes, so it
will inherit feature
from both parents
This is how
variation is
involves two
To make new cells which have half
the original number of chromosomes,
cells divide by meiosis. In humans, it
only happens in the reproductive
organs (e.g. ovaries and testes)
As with Mitosis, before the cell starts to divide, it
duplicates it's DNA - one arm of each
chromosome is an exact copy of the other arm
In the first division in meiosis (there are 2 divisions)
the chromosome pairs line up in the centre of the cell
The pairs are pulled apaet, so each new cell only has one copy of each
chromosome. Some of the father's chromosomes (shown in blue) and
some of the mother's chromosomes (shown in red) go into each new cell
In the second division the chromosomes line up again in the centre of the
cell. It's a lot like mitosis. The arms of the chromosome are pulled apart
You get 4 gametes each with on;y a
single set of chromosomes in it. After 2
gametes join at fertilisation, the cell
grows by repeatedly dividing by mitosis
Stem Cells
Embryonic stem
cells can turn into
any type of cell
You know the differentiation is the
process by which a cell changes to
become specialised for it's job. In most
animal cells, the ability to differentiate
is lost at an early stage, but lots of
plant cells don't ever loose this ability
Some cells are
undifferentiated. They
can develop into
different types of cells
depending on what
instructions they are
given. These are called
Stem cells are found in early human
embryos. They're exciting to doctors and
medical researchers because they have
the potential to turn into any kind of cell
at all. This makes sense if you think
about it - all the different types of cell
found in a human being have come from
those few cells in the early embryo
Stem cells may
be able to cure
many diseases
Medicine already uses adult
stem cells to sure disease.
Foe example, people with
some blood diseases (e.g.
sickle cell anaemia) can be
treated by bone marrow
transplants. Bone marrow
contains stem cells that can
turn into new blood cells to
replace the faulty old ones.
Scientists can also
extract stem cells from
very early human
embryos and grow them
These embryonic stem cells could be
used to replace faulty cells in sick people
- you could make beating heart muscle
cells for people with heart disease,
insulin-producing cells for people with
diabetes, nerve cells for people
paralysed by spinal injuries, and so on
To get cultures of one
specific type of cell,
researchers try to
control the
differentiation of the
stem cell by changing
the environment
they're growing in. So
far, it's still a bit hit
and miss - lots more
research is needed
Some people are
against stem cell
Some people are against stem
cell research because they feel
the human embryos should't be
used for experiments since each
one is a potential human life
These campaigners feel that scientists
should concentrate more on finding and
developing other sources of stem cells, so
people could help without using embryos
Others think that
curing patients who
already exist and who
are suffering is more
important than the
rights of the embryos
One fairly convincing argument
in favour of this point of view is
that the embryos used in the
research are usually unwanted
ones from fertility clinics which,
if they weren't used for research,
would probably just be destroyed.
But of course, campaigners for
the right of the embryo usually
want this banned too
In some countries stem cell
research is banned, but it's
allowed in the UK as long as
it follows strict guidelines
Your chromosomes
control whether
you're male or
There are 22 matched pairs of
chromosomes in every human
body cell. The 23rd pair are lablled
XX or XY. They're two
chromosomes that decide whether
or not you are male or female
All biological males
have an X and a Y
chromosome: XY
The Y chromosome caused
male characteristics
All biological females have
two X chromosomes: XX
The XX combination allowed
female characteristics to develop
When making sperm, the X
and Y chromosomes are
drawn apart in the first
division of meiosis. There is a
50% chance of of each cell
getting an X or Y chromosome
A similar thing happens when making eggs.
But the original cell has two X chromosomes,
so all eggs have one X chromosome
Genetic diagrams show
the possible
combinations of gametes
To find the probability of
getting a girl or a boy, you can
draw a genetic diagram.
Put the possible gametes from one
parent down the side, and those
from the other parent along the top
Then inside each middle square you fill in the letters from the top
and side that line up with the square. The pares of letters in the
middle show the possible combinations of the gametes.
The other type of genetic diagram
looks a bit more complicated, but
it shows exactly the same thing
At the top are the parents
The middle circles show the possible gametes that are
formed. One gamete from the female combines with
one gamete from the male (during fertilisation)
The criss-cross lines show all the possible ways the X and
Y chromosomes could combine. The possible combinations
of the offspring are shown in the bottom circles
Remember only one of the possibility could
actually happen for any one offspring
Gregor Mendel was an Australian monk who trained
in mathmatics and natural history at the university
of Vienna. One his garden plot at the monastert,
Mendel noted how characteristics in plants were
passed on from one generation to the next
The results of his research
were published in 1866 and
eventually became the
foundation of modern genetics
These diagrams show two
crosses for height in pea
plants that Mendel carried out
Mendel had shown that
the height
characteristics in pea
plants were determined
by separately inherited
"hereditary units" passed
on from each parent. The
ratios of tall and dwarf
plants in the offspring
chowed that the unit for
tall plants, T, was
dominant over the unit
for dwarf plants, t
Mendel researched three
important conclusions
1) Characteristics in
plants are determined
by "hereditary units"
2) Hereditary units are passed
on from both parents, one
unit from each parent
3) Hereditary units can be dominant or recessive
- if an individual has both the dominant and
the recessive unit for a characteristic, the
dominant characteristic will be expressed
Genetic diagrams
show the possible
genes of offspring
1) alleles are different
versions of the same gene
2) In genetic diagrams letters are
usually used to represent alleles
4) If the two alleles are different, only one
can determine what characteristic is
present. The allele for the characteristic
that's shown is called the dominant allele
(the capital letter) the other one is called
the recessive (the lowercase letter)
3) If an organism has two alleles for a
particular gene that are the same, then it's
homozygous. If its two alleles for a particular
gene are different, then it;s hetrozygous
5) For an organism to
display a recessive
characteristic, both its
alleles much be recessive
(both lower case). But to
display a dominant
characteristic the organism
has to have at least one
upper case allele because
the dominant allele
overrules the recessive one
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic
disorder of the cell membranes.
It results in the body producing
a lot of thick mucus in the air
passages and in the pancreas
1) the allele that causes the cystic
fibrosis is a recessive allele
2) Because it's recessive, people with only
one copy of the allele won't have the
disorder - they're known as carriers
3) For a child to have
the disorder, both
parents must be either
a carrier or a sufferer
4) As the diagram shows
there's a 1 in 4 chance of a
child having the disorder if
bother parents are carriers
Polydactyly is caused by
a dominant allele
Polydactyly is a genetic disorder where
a baby's born with extra fingers or
toes. It doesn't usually cause any other
problems so it isn't life-threatening
1) The disorder is caused by a
dominant allele, D, and so can be
inherited if just one parent
carries the defective allele
2) The parent that has the
defective allele will be a
sufferer as it is dominant
3) As the genetic diagram shows, there's
a 50% chance of the child having the
disorder is one of the parents have a D
Embryos can be screened
for genetic disorders
1) During in vitro fertilisation (IVF),
embryos are fertilised in a lab, and
then implanted into the mother's
womb. More than one egg is
fertilised, so there's a better chance
of the IVF being successful
2) Before being implanted, it's possible to remove
a cell from each embryo and analyse its genes.
3) Many genetic disorders could
detected this way, such a cystic fibrosis
4) Embryos with "good" alleles would
be implanted into the mother - the
ones with "bad" alleles are destroyed
There is a huge debate rang about
embryonic screening. Here are
some arguments for and against
There may come a point where everyone
wants to screen their embryos so they
can pick the most 'desirable' one
The rejected embryos are destroyed -
they could have developed into humans
It implies that people with genetic problems
are 'undesirable' - this could increase prejudice
Screening is
It will hep to stop
people suffering
There are laws to stop it going too
far. At the moment parents can't
can't even select the sex of their baby
(unless it is for health reasons)
During IVF, most of the
embryos are destroyed
anyway- screening just
allows the selected
ones to be healthy
Treating disorders costs the
Government (and the
taxpayers) a lot of money
!) Things like teeth, shells, bones etc., which don't
decay easily can last a long time when buried
2) They're eventually replaced by minerals
as they decay forming a rock-like substance
shaped like the original hard part
3) The surrounding sediment also turns to
rock, but the fossil stays distinct inside the
rock and eventually someone digs it up
2) from casts and
1) sometimes, fossils are formed when an
organism is buried in a soft material like clay. The
clay later hardens around it and the organism
decays, leaving a cast of itself. An animal's burrow
or a plant's roots can be preserved as casts
2) Things like footprints can be pressed
into these materials when soft, leaving
an impression when it hardens
3) From preservation in places
where no decay happens
1) In amber and tar pits there's not oxygen or
moisture so decay microbes can't survive
2) In glaciers it's too cold for the
decay microbes to work
3) Peat bogs are too acidic for decay microbes.
But no one knows
how life began
Fossils show how many of today's species
have evolved over millions of years. But
where did the first living thing come from?
1) There are various hypotheses
suggesting how life first came into
being, but no one really knows.
2) Maybe the first life forms came into existence in a primordial swamp
(or under the sea) here on Earth. Maybe simple organic molecules were
brought to Earth by comets - these could have then become more
complex organic molecules, and eventually very simple life forms
3) These hypotheses can't be supported or disproved
because there's a lack of valid or reliable evidence
4) There's a lack of evidence because scientists believe many early organisms were soft-bodied,
and soft tissue tends to decay away completely. So the fossil record is incomplete
5) Plus, fossils that did form millions of years ago may have been destroyed by geological activity,
e.g. the movement of tectonic plates may have crushed fossils already formed in the rocks
Extinction happens if you
can't evolve quickly enough
The fossil record contains many species that don't exist
anymore - these species are said to be extinct. Dinosaurs
and mammoths are extinct, with only fossils to tell us they
existed at all. Species become extinct for these reasons
The environment changes too quickly
(e.g. destruction of habitats)
A new predator kill =s them all
(e.g. humans hunting them)
A disease kills them all
They can't compete with other
(new) species' for food
A castastrophic event happens to
kills them all (e.g. a volcanic eruption)
A new species develops
(this is called speciation)
Speciation is the development
of a new species
A species is a group of similar organism that
can reproduce to give fertile offspring
Speciation is the development of a new specie
Speciation occurs when population of the same species become so different
that they can no longer breed together to produce fertile offspring
Isolation and natural
selection lead to speciation
Isolation is where populations of a species are separated. This can
happen due to a physical barrier. E.g. floods and earthquakes can
cause barriers that geographically isolate some individuals from the
main population. Conditions on either side of the barrier will be
slightly different, e.g. they may have different climates. Because the
environment is different on each side, different characteristics will
become more common in each population due to natural selection
1) Each population
shows variation
because they have a
wide range of alleles
2) In each population, individuals with
characteristics that make them better
adapt to their environment so they
have a better chance of survival and so
are more likely to breed successfully
3) So the alleles that control
the beneficial characteristics
are more likely to be passes
on to the next generation
Eventually, individuals from the different populations
will have changed so much that they won't be able to
breed with the other to produce fertile offspring. The
two groups will have become separate species