Bold Week 4


Messages (Bold) Mapa Mental sobre Bold Week 4, criado por Ross Johnson em 13-02-2014.
Ross Johnson
Mapa Mental por Ross Johnson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Ross Johnson
Criado por Ross Johnson quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Bold Week 4
  1. intro
    1. been going through Acts 4
      1. today Acts 5 - Bold Obedience
        1. give short background
          1. acts 5.17ff
            1. amazing boldness, bold prayers, bold speaking
              1. 3 prinicples that we experience when we obey
              2. Bold obedience triggers opposition
                1. 5.18
                  1. 2nd time in prison
                    1. often times we think opposition isn't fair
                      1. "God, I am serving you, why the trouble?"
                        1. if ur not ready for opposition, ur not ready to be used by God
                          1. b/c when you obey, opposition will come.
                            1. when I went to MBBC, started GPC, when we announced the move
                            2. Bold obedience releases God's working
                              1. 5.19
                                1. angel shows up, no big deal
                                  1. instructs, and they go
                                    1. but why are we surprised?
                                      1. Mark and Wanda, GPC $$$
                                      2. Bold obedience requires faith
                                        1. 5.20
                                          1. just told to go & do what got them thrown in jail for the 2nd time!
                                            1. w/out faith, it is impossible to please God
                                              1. they didn't know what was going to happen
                                                1. but it didn't matter
                                                  1. finish the story (21b-42)
                                                  2. take home
                                                    1. Kinkade interview


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