We asked a total of twenty people to fill out our questionnaire. We done an online
version which was available on survey monkey and we also done a paper version
of which we printed off the questionnaire and asked people to fill out by hand. We
asked 10 boys and 10 girls. We only got five responses from the online platform
hence why we needed more for it to be representable aswell as reliable.
Conclusion from our responses: Our target group is going to be people above the age of 15, the most preferred genre of movies is
comedy, drama, thriller and horror. We have to use all of the different sound options in the movie where appropriate and we need
the audience to work out what is happening.
1st Question: What is
your gender?
Because we asked a total of 20 people and the same
number of the different genders we got the responses
of: 10 boys and 10 girls.
2nd Question: What is your age?
11- 13 years, 14- 16 years of age,
We mostly asked the people that were in
our class so the age range would be similar
in the sense that it would be around 16-17.
There were six 16 year olds, thirteen 17
year olds and one 18 year olds.
3rd question: What
is your favourite
genre? (Pick
maximum of two)
From the responses we received it is clear to
see that people watch a minimum of one
movie a week which makes the idea of a
movie relevant as it is relevant.
5th question: What is your
favourite movie of all time?
As expected we got a large and varied
response but there were all quite
'classic' movies such as Titanic, Mean
Girls, Fast and Furious, Final
Destination etc.
6th question: What genre is this movie, if
you know?
Some people didn't know what genre
the movie was but they took a guess
and they were all different. The most
common answers were Comedy, Drama,
Thriller and Horror.
7th question: What should we use in our
We gave the participants a range of different options some of these include: Sound Effects, have
dialogue in the scenes, silent movie, a soundtrack in the background or have all of them. The
results we got were as states: there were four responses for sound effects only and three
responses from a soundtrack and the rest were all of them.
8th question: What do you prefer; for you to gradually
work out what is happening in a movie or to be
informed from the beginning
There was only one person that chose for it to be obvious at the
beginning and the rest were for you to gradually work out that is
going to happen.