Civil Rights for All


Civil Rights For All
Mapa Mental por tasneem_salem, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por tasneem_salem mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Civil Rights for All
  1. Civil Rights are designed to protect people against arbitrary or discriminatory by the government officials
    1. Civil liberties: are constitutional protection against the government
      1. The Bill of Rights: this is the name of the first 10 amendments added to the US Constitution
        1. 1st amendment: Freedom of press, speech, religion, & assembly
          1. Libel: false statements that damages someones reputation.
          2. 14th Amendment: citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws.
            1. Establishment Clause
              1. Unreasonable searches and Seizures ( 4th Amendment)
                1. 5th Amendment: due process, against double jeoperdy
            2. Freedom Of Speech
              1. Prior Restraint: government preventing material from being published
                1. Symbolic Speech
                  1. Commercial speech
                  2. Rights to vote
                    1. 19th Amendment : women gained the right to vote
                    2. equal protection of Law
                      1. Due Process of law
                        1. Trial by Jury
                          1. Equal Rights Amendment: amendment to the US Constitution stating that civil rights may not be denied on the basis of one's sex.


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