BUSS3 Formula...


Mapa Mental sobre BUSS3 Formula..., criado por loz95 em 23-02-2014.
Mapa Mental por loz95, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por loz95 aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

BUSS3 Formula...
  1. Current Ratio
    1. Liquidity ratio
      1. A current ratio between 2 and 3 is ideal
        1. Less than 2 may have liquidity problems more than 2 means has too much money in current assets - opportunity cost.
          1. Current Assets / Current liabilities
          2. ACID test
            1. Liquidity ratio
              1. Is a tougher test to see business ability to pay bills.
                1. Depends on business a figure less than one would highlight serious problem
                  1. (Current Assets - Stock)/ Current liabilities
                  2. Gross Profit Margin
                    1. Profitability Ratio
                      1. Higher the figure the better!
                        1. Only shows profit before overhead costs have been taken.
                          1. (Gross Profit/Sales Revenue) X 100
                          2. Operating Profit Margin
                            1. Profitability Ratio
                              1. (Operating Profit/ Sales Revenue) X 100
                                1. Highest possible % is preffered here.
                                  1. If the % is decreasing the expenses for firm have increased.
                                  2. ROCE


                                    • Return on Capital Employed
                                    1. (Operating profit/Capital employed) X 100
                                      1. Profitability Ratio
                                        1. Figure needs to be as high as possible
                                          1. A low figure could deter investors


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                                          Novo Acordo Ortográfico - Uso do Hífen
                                          Alessandra S.
                                          Processo Administrativo Federal - Visão Geral
                                          tiago meira de almeida
                                          Garantias Fundamentais
                                          GEOGRAFIA - GEOPOLITICA
                                          TRIBUTAÇÃO E ORÇAMENTO
                                          Projeto Med 2015: História e Geografia_2
                                          Gleisson Bissoli
                                          Características do Trovadorismo
                                          Hobbes, Locke e Rousseau
                                          Ricardo l.
                                          Trauma - Abordagem inicial
                                          Vanessa Palauro
                                          Mateus de Souza