Allocation - Adults


Criminal Litigation Mapa Mental sobre Allocation - Adults, criado por hargreas em 03-03-2014.
Mapa Mental por hargreas, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por hargreas aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Allocation - Adults
  1. Indictable only
    1. summary only
      1. triable either way
        1. plea?
          1. guilty
            1. sentencing powers great enough?
              1. if yes - sentence
                1. if no - sent to CC
              2. not guilty
                1. prosecution address the bench
                  1. can be one magistrate, usually two
                    1. suitable for summary?
                      1. sentencing powers
                        1. prosecution submissions
                          1. defence submissions
                            1. sentencing guidelines
                              1. SGC allocation guideline
                                1. yes
                                  1. the defendant can choose
                                    1. must be told can still be sent up for sentencing
                                      1. case appears suitable for summary trial
                                        1. indication of sentence
                                          1. D must ask
                                            1. Mags do not have to give
                                              1. If given the D can choose to enter a plea
                                                1. If enters G then the magistrates cannot give a custodial sentence unless they indicated that they would
                                                  1. If no G plea then Mags are not bound by the indication
                                                  2. P can make a rep if they think the mags do not have sufficient sentencing power
                                                    1. Can choose to be tried by a jury - case sent up to CC
                                                      1. Magistrates court
                                                        1. less time, less stress
                                                          1. Prosecution & D costs less
                                                            1. no obligation to serve D statement
                                                2. Criminal damage
                                                  1. less than £5k - summary only
                                                    1. more than £5K EW
                                                      1. Market value at time not consequential loss
                                                      2. Crown court
                                                        1. greater chance of aquittal
                                                          1. More time to prepare
                                                            1. better proce for challenging admissibility
                                                            2. applies
                                                              1. over 18
                                                                1. EW offence
                                                                  1. NG plea


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