Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi)


Finance & Governance Manager
Bamiji Ayinde
Mapa Mental por Bamiji Ayinde, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bamiji Ayinde
Criado por Bamiji Ayinde mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi)
  1. Who am I and why am I here?
    1. Stakeholders Management
      1. Identify the Stakeholder: BOD, Dept, Employees, Partners, Regulators , Clients & Revenue
        1. Stakeholders Agenda
          1. Strategies & Communication
      2. Risks & CorporateGovernance
        1. Risks: Audit, Access, Financial Control & Mgt, Political, Funders & Clients
          1. Compliance: CRO, Charity Regulatory Authority, Contracts
            1. Corporate Governance: Core Values, Compliance, Accountability & Transparency, Effectiveness & Efficiency and Integrity
            2. Business Review & Performance
              1. What is our Business? Products, Structure & chart
              2. Review Efficiency & Effectiveness of Operations
                1. SWOT Analysis, check the performance indicators: Balanced scorecards, Number of membership retained
                2. Formulate Vision, Mission, Objectives: Strategy, Targets
                  1. Implementation of Policies, Strategies & Feedback
                  2. Conclusion
                    1. Plan is clear, realistic, objective & achievable
                      1. Ordnance Survey Ireland is ready for Business
                  3. Finance & Governance Manager


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