Immune System Mind Map


Mapa Mental sobre Immune System Mind Map, criado por John Mete em 26-10-2016.
John Mete
Mapa Mental por John Mete, atualizado more than 1 year ago
John Mete
Criado por John Mete quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Immune System Mind Map
  1. Adaptive
    1. Humoral
      1. B-Cells
        1. Helper T-Cells
          1. Clonal Selection
            1. Memory B-Cells
              1. Plasma Cells
                1. Antibodies
            2. Cell-Mediated
              1. T-Cells
                  1. Cytotoxic T-Cells (Lyse Infected Cells)
                  2. Phagocytes
                    1. Present Antigens
                1. Innate
                  1. Physical Barrier
                    1. Skin
                      1. Epidermis (Outer Layer)
                        1. Dermis (Inner Layer)
                        2. Mucus
                          1. Cilia Lining Trachea
                          2. Chemical Barrier
                            1. Lysozymes (Anti-Bacterial)
                              1. Phagocytosis (Digestion of Pathogens)
                              2. Inflammation (Bring Phagocytes to injured area)
                                1. Mast Cells
                                  1. Histamines
                                    1. Macrophages
                                    2. Interferon (Prevents Viral Reproduction)
                                      1. Natural Killer Cells
                                        1. Perforins (Lyse Cell Membranes to destroy infected cells)
                                      2. Immunity
                                        1. Leukocytes
                                          1. Phagocytes
                                            1. Neutrophil
                                              1. Monocyte
                                                1. Macrophage
                                              2. Lymphocytes
                                                1. Natural Killer Cells
                                                  1. B-Cells
                                                    1. T-Cells
                                                      1. Cytotoxic T-Cells
                                                        1. Helper T-Cells
                                                      2. Mast Cells
                                                        1. Histamines
                                                        2. Dendritic Cells
                                                        3. Lymphoid Tissues
                                                          1. Central
                                                            1. Peripheral
                                                          2. Disorders
                                                            1. Pathogens
                                                              1. Viruses
                                                                1. Bacteria
                                                                  1. Bacillus
                                                                    1. Clostridium Difficile
                                                                    2. Parasites
                                                                      1. Fasciola
                                                                        1. Tapeworms
                                                                          1. Taenia Solium
                                                                            1. Taenia Saginata
                                                                          2. Fungi
                                                                            1. Protozoa
                                                                              1. Trichomonas Vaginalis
                                                                                1. Giardia
                                                                                  1. Plasmodium, Causes Malaria
                                                                                2. Warn Out Cells
                                                                                  1. Mutant Cells
                                                                                    1. Cellular Debris


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