Marking Period One


A mind map containing all the important information needed for the quarterly exam
Allison Wahlsten
Mapa Mental por Allison Wahlsten, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Allison Wahlsten
Criado por Allison Wahlsten quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Marking Period One
  1. Metric System
    1. Mass
      1. Triple Beam Balance
        1. Grams
        2. Volume
          1. L*W*H=V
            1. Liters
            2. Length/Width
              1. Meter Stick
                1. Meters
              2. Scientific Method
                1. 1) Identify The Problem
                  1. What am I trying to solve
                  2. 2)Research The Problem
                    1. Examine the background
                    2. 3) Form a Hypothesis
                      1. Possible explanation that can be tested
                      2. 4) Test the Hypothesis
                        1. The experiment
                        2. 5) Draw Conclusions
                          1. Was my hypothesis accurate?
                        3. Chemistry
                          1. Organic Compunds
                            1. Matter
                              1. Makes up everything
                                1. Atoms
                                  1. Smallest unit of matter
                                    1. Can not be broken down
                                      1. Three types of particles
                                        1. Neutrons
                                          1. Electrons
                                            1. Valance Electrons: Outermost electrons used for bonding
                                              1. Covalent: Sharing
                                                1. Ionic: Formed by two opposites
                                                  1. Hydrogen: Weak bond
                                                2. Protons
                                                3. Ions and Isotopes
                                                  1. Ions: Does not have equal protons and electrons
                                                    1. Isotopes: Same atomic number but different atomic mass
                                            2. 7 Characteristics of Life
                                              1. Cells


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