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The Human Kidney
Mapa Mental sobre The Human Kidney, criado por Jamie Whiter em 15-11-2016.
Sem etiquetas
Mapa Mental por
Jamie Whiter
, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por
Jamie Whiter
aproximadamente 8 anos atrás
Resumo de Recurso
The Human Kidney
Main Organ
Maintains homeostasis (Keeping body conditions as normal as possible
Produce Urea to breakdown excess amino acids.
Excess amino acids come from the protein in food we eat
And worn out body tissue
Urea is poisonous
Vital for the water balance in the body
Concentration changes then water moves in or out of the system by Osmosis.
Could damage or destroy cells
Lose water constantly through the lungs as water evaporates into the air when you breath.
You lose water when you sweat
Remove any excess water leaving it as urine
Kidneys conserve water
Ion concentration is important
Take on mineral ions with food
Processed food is high in salt which means lots of minerals
Some are lost through sweat
Kidneys filter your blood then re-absorb what the body needs
Glucose, Amino Acids, Mineral Salts and Urea move out of the blood into kidney tubules by diffusion
Blood cells are left behind
All sugar then Re- absorbed into the blood by active transport
Some urea gets back into the blood by diffusion on a concentration gradient
Rich Blood supply
Contains waste urea with excess mineral ions and water not needed
Quantities depend on how much you have taken in and given out
On a hot day if you drink very little you urine will be very concentrated being a dark yellow colour
On a cold day if you drink a lot your urine will be dilute and colourless.
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