Mkt rooms


Breve pasage atraves de los analysis turisticos
eduardo  sanchez
Mapa Mental por eduardo sanchez , atualizado more than 1 year ago
eduardo  sanchez
Criado por eduardo sanchez mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Mkt rooms
    1. Room size
      1. View
        1. Furnishings
          1. # of persons occupying the room, etc.
            1. assigned a rack (standard) rate
              1. Special room rates include
                1. Corporate or commercial rates
                  1. Family rates
                    1. Promotional rates
                      1. Package rates
                        1. Complimentary rates.
                        2. Hubbart Formula
                          1. the price of an individual room will depend on the expenses associated with it
                          2. The rule-of-thumb approach
                            1. sets the rate of a room at $1 for each $1 000 of construction cost per rooms
                            2. types of expenses
                              1. Fixed expenses
                                1. do not change when more customers are in the hotel
                                  1. Insurance
                                    1. Taxes
                                      1. Amortization
                                        1. Rent
                                          1. Interest payments
                                            1. Salary and related expenses
                                            2. Variable expenses.
                                              1. change proportionally to the # of customers.
                                                1. Laundry
                                                  1. Salary for 'extras'
                                                    1. Commission
                                                      1. Operating supplies
                                                    2. Cost and revenue relations
                                                      1. Income = Costs (Break-even)
                                                        1. Increase of income with same price
                                                          1. Decrease of demand with same price
                                                            1. Maintain the demand through decrease of price.
                                                            2. MARKET SEGMENTATION
                                                              1. Consumers with similar needs and wants are grouped together so that their requirements can be highlighted and better satisfied.
                                                                1. Criteria for defining
                                                                  1. Tipes of travelers


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