Sonnet 43 - Barret Browning


Mapa Mental sobre Sonnet 43 - Barret Browning, criado por yusuf2106 em 10-04-2014.
Mapa Mental por yusuf2106, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por yusuf2106 quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Sonnet 43 - Barret Browning
  1. Context
    1. Elizabeth Barret Browning, the author, was a Victorian poet. She married the poet and playwright Robert Browning, who infulenced her work, and Sonnet 43 is addressed to him. Despite her lifelong illness, she has been able to successfully get married and write successful poems, Sonnet 43 being one of them. There are 44 Sonnets in total, and Sonnet 43 is part of this long sequence of Sonnets. The sequence is called Sonnets from the Portugese.
    2. About
      1. The poem is about a woman who is about to get married and expresses her deep love for the man she is about to marry.
      2. Techniques
        1. 1) The length of the Sonnet is of tradition, 14 lines. Other than this, the poem does not follow any other rules. The poem is all about her 'perfect love', but the poem lacks perfection, as it does not perfectly follow the structual rules of a Sonnet. This has possibly been placed in deliberately. It could symbolise that her 'Perfect Love' may still lack perfection, although her feelings are strong for her love.
          1. 2) "I love thee" is repeated a total of eight times, and this repitition could be a representation of the authors love and lust for the one whom she will marry. The repitition keeps a constant reminder in the readers head as to what the poem is based on. (The one who she loves).
            1. 3) Within the poem the author refers to "my old griefs", this is referring to her past, when she had major disagreements with her parents and eventually disinherited out of the family. However when referring to her griefs, she applies it more positively with the love that she holds, which could possibly show us her bright, positive view on love, a 'way out' of her griefs.


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