57: People are Inherently Lazy


Chapter 6: What Motivates People Point 57: People are Inherently Lazy
Miranda Davis
Mapa Mental por Miranda Davis, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Miranda Davis
Criado por Miranda Davis aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

57: People are Inherently Lazy
  1. Lazy vs. Efficient?
    1. Through evolution humans have learned the importance of conserving their energy. Is that lazy? Or have we learned to use our resources wisley.
      1. Assume that people will get things done with the least amount of work possible.
    2. Satisfice
      1. The idea that making a complete analysis is not worth it, and most likely not possible. Therefore it makes more sense to make decisions based on 'what will do' or 'what is good enough' instead of trying to find THE optimal solution.
      2. Design websites for scanning, not reading
        1. Most users glance at each new page, scan some text, and click on the first link that seems like what they're looking for, or that catches their interest.


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