
trabajo de ingles
Paula Guzman
Mapa Mental por Paula Guzman, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Paula Guzman
Criado por Paula Guzman mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

  1. Definition
    1. Signify big wave of the bay
      1. Tsunami are waves generated
        1. Avalanche
          1. Eruption
            1. Movement seismic
              1. In the bottom of the ocean
                1. The waves are expand through the sea in different direction at great speed
            2. Sign of alert
              1. Setback gradual of the water
                1. Ascent of the level of the water
                2. Causes
                  1. Volcano
                    1. Volcano cause a exit of energy sudden that move the mass of the water
                    2. Landslide
                      1. For example Alaska with the registered waves highest
                      2. EARTHQUAKE
                        1. Happen many damages
                          1. The most destructive tsunami in recent history went in Chile's coast.
                            1. The magnitude of the earthquake for that happen the tsunami is of 9.5 degree
                        2. Generation of the TSUNAMI
                          1. Mechanism
                            1. Movement vertical of the floor oceanic
                              1. Cause a displacement of water in form of highest waves
                            2. Propagation of the Tsunami
                              1. Factor that modify the effect of a Tsunami
                                1. Velocity
                                  1. depth of the water
                                    1. Propagation
                                      1. Refraction
                                        1. When the waves are incline in the water less deep
                                        2. Diffraction
                                          1. Spread and bend of the wave when find a obstacle
                                  2. IMPACT OF TSUNAMI
                                    1. Flood
                                      1. Erosion of the foundation
                                        1. Building
                                          1. Bridge
                                            1. Road
                                            2. Damages
                                              1. PROTECTION
                                                1. Strategy of evacuation
                                                  1. Structure of protection coastal
                                                    1. Reduce the height of waves


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