"Had he served with distinction... in
the War itself he had failed"
"He was attaching
meanings to words
of a symbolical kind"
"One of Holme's
Witty, cynical
"The fellow made a
distasteful impression"
"distasteful" normally reserved for speaking about art, or fashion. Makes him sound snobby, pompous and incredibly shallow
"watching the watery gold glow and
fade with the astonishing sensibility of
some live creature on the roses, on
the wall-paper"
"to be alone forever"
LK to Clarissa
"a young hawk"
"She had asked
for help and been
"the most dreadful thing of all, to
see a man like Septimus, who had
fought, who was brave, crying"
"Never had she
felt so happy"
The Medical Profession
"the stream of patients being so
incessant, the responsibilities and
privileges of his profession so onerous"
"It took half his time to
undo [general
practitioners'] blunders"
Builds hope for Bradshaw
"rest, rest, rest; a long rest in bed"
repetition emphasises monotony and extreme boredom of such a 'cure'. Also shows how he is actually clutching at straws; repeating one idea because he can think of nothing else
"rest in solitude; silence and rest; rest without friends, without books, without messages; six months' rest; until a man who went in weighing seven stone six comes out weighing twelve"
Yellow Wallpaper, Wier Mitchell
"We all
have our
moments of
Degrading problem
"in this exacting
science which
has to do with
what, after all,
we know nothing
"secluded [England's] lunatics,
forbade child-birth, penalized
despair, made it impossible for the
unfit to propagate their views until
they, too, shared his sense of
"shredding and slicing...
counselled submission,
upheld authority, and
pointed out in chorus the
supreme advantages of a
sense of proportion"
"The people we are
most fond of are not
good for us when we
are ill"
"It was their idea of
tragedy... Holmes and
Bradshaw liked that
sort of thing"
"The coward!... and
why the devil he did it,
Dr Holmes could no
The Establishment
Lady Bradshaw: "the wall of
gold, mounting minute by
minute while she waited"
Lady Bradshaw: "took
photographs, which were
scarcely to be distinguished
from the work of professionals,
while she waited."
"the slow sinking,
water-logged, of her
will into his"
"It was vaguely flattering to
them all. He had come back,
battered, unsuccessful, to
their secure shores"
"[Richard] meant,
whenever he had a moment
of leisure, to write a history
of Lady Bruton's family"
"He liked continuity; and the
sense of handing on the
traditions of the past"
Love and religion
"how detestable"
"would destroy that, whatever
it was, the privacy of the soul"
"here was one room;
there another. Did religion
solve that, or love?"
Sir William Bradshaw
After Dr Holmes' complete and utter incompetence, Woolf builds hope around Bradshaw (as we know he is more expensive) but then it is dashed when he suggests rest
"the priest of science"
"not merely of lightning skill and
almost infallible accuracy in
diagnosis, but of sympathy; tact;
understanding of the human soul"
"he never spoke of 'madness'; he called it not
having a sense of proportion"
"Sir William
Bradshaw was
not a nice man"
"He swooped; he
devoured. He
shut people up"
"He did not go deeply.
He brushed surfaces"
"afloat on the cream of
English society for
fifty-five years"
"one or two humble
reforms stood to his
"Hugh was
slow. Hugh was
"He was
Hugh was
becoming an
intolerable ass"
"He would tell her,
in so many words,
that he loved her"
"But he could not bring himself to say he loved her; not in so many words"
"that he should have
married Clarissa; a miracle"
"bearing his
flowers like
a weapon"
"Happiness is this"
Lady Bruton
"she should have been a
general of dragoons...
[Richard] had the greatest
respect for her"
"She had
perhaps lost
her sense of
"she used to feel the futility of
her own woman-hood as she felt
it on no other occasion"
"Power was hers,
position, income"
"she had become very serious; like
a hyacinth sheathed in glossy green"
"So she might
be a doctor"
"she was a
pioneer, a stray,
"She was delighted to be free... Calmly
and competently, Elizabeth Dalloway
mounted the Westminster omnibus"
Miss Kilman
"they turned her
out because she
would not
pretend that the
Germans were
all villains"
"whenever the hot
and painful feelings
boiled within her...
she thought of God"
"Miss Kilman
squashed the
flowers all in
a bunch"
"she made one
feel so small"
"it was so
rough the
approach to
her God - so
tough her
"cutting [people] up and
sticking them together again"
"not that she was
weak, but she
wanted support"
"What she like was simply life"
"they're an offering"
"first bunched
together; now
of their own
starting apart"
"the only flowers
she could bear to
see cut"
Conversion tries "to stamp
indelibly in the sanctuaries of
others the image of herself"
"Peter had been in love;
been rejected; gone to
India; come a cropper;
made a mess of things"
"And there is a dignity in people; a solitude; even between
husband and wife a gulf; and that one must respect"
"Men killed in battle were thus
saluted, and Septimus had
been through the War"