Explain the reasons behind the
choice of media in a successful
promotional campaign. (P4)
Promotion Mapa Mental sobre Explain the reasons behind the
choice of media in a successful
promotional campaign. (P4), criado por Steve Jose em 20-05-2013.
Explain the reasons behind the
choice of media in a successful
promotional campaign. (P4)
Consider the target audience e.g. demographics, interests, geography etc
Promote nationally e.g. papers, tv etc. Look at the difference between terrestial e.g. ITV, Satellite/Digital channels
Promote locally e.g. papers, cinema etc
Consider international methods e,g, Vogue, Rolling Stone etc.
Specialist trade magazines e.g. the grocer, retail week
Disintermediation, look at communicating with customers one to one via the internet (cutting out the middle man) Can include individual e-mails (direct marketing), tracking purchase history etc.