C.2 Economics, Skill #6- Notes


Notas sobre C.2 Economics, Skill #6- Notes, criado por Jasmine M. em 16-03-2021.
Jasmine M.
Notas por Jasmine M., atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jasmine M.
Criado por Jasmine M. mais de 3 anos atrás

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Página 1

C.2 Economics, Skill #6- Notes

Analyze the features of global economics (e.g., exchange rates, terms of trade, comparative advantage, less developed countries) in terms of their impact on national and international economic systems.

Página 2

Comparative Advantage

The principle of comparative advantage says that trade should be based on the comparative opportunity costs between two countries whichever country can produce a good more cheaply should produce that good and should trade for some other good that the country cannot produce as cheaply both nations gain from trading and there is a more efficient allocation of the world's resources as well as larger outputs

Página 3

Financing International Trade- Exchange Rates

nations engaging in trade have to exchange their currencies following an exchange rate in the international currency market (i.e. American business exporting to Mexico doesn't want to be paid in pesos because that currency cannot be used in the US, so the importer must exchange pesos for US Dollars) two major types of currency exchange formats fixed Bretton Woods system 44 nations met and created this system with the US dollar serving as the reserve currency of he system countries bought and sold dollars to maintain their exchange rates value of the US Dollar fixed at $35 per ounce of gold and was convertible on demand for foreigners holding US dollars dissolved in 1971 as US dollar came under devaluation pressure and gold drained from the nation's reserves International Monetary Fund (IMF)  created to supervise the exchange rate practices of member nations and intended to lend money to nations that  were unable to meet paument obligations (bailouts) World Bank funded through the sale of bonds loans money to developing nations for economic development floating March 1973 a managed, floating exchange rate was established by the major industrial countries managed flat has withstood severe economic upheavals

Página 4

Balance of Payments

balance of payments account sum of a country's transactions with other countries current account primarily tracks the import/ export of goods and services includes net international transfer payments and net international factor income net investment income is net interest and dividends paid by foreigners to Americans n transfers consist of foreign aid, money sent to Americans/ their families living overseas often termed the "balance of trade" US has run trade deficits because the US imports more than it exports unfavorable balance if a nation imports more than it exports favorable balance if a nation exports more than it imports; current account surplus financial account most economists combine the capital and financial accounts into just the financial account records trade-in assets (gold, government securities, banking liabilities, etc.) if the balance is negative then a deficit is noted; if a balance is positive, then a benefit is noted. whether a deficit/ surplus is good/ bad depends on how the issue is resolved

Página 5

Developing Nations' Economies

economic growth in developing nations is faced with four obstacles: traditional attitudes and beliefs continued rapid population growth misuse of resources trade restrictions


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