Social Psychology - created from Mind Map_5


Notas sobre Social Psychology - created from Mind Map_5, criado por miabond007 em 06-02-2014.
Notas por miabond007, atualizado more than 1 year ago Mais Menos
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Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

Meta Analysis of 134 studies- 17 countriesConclusions:-decline in conformity in USA-Individualistic lower rates than collectivist-conformity rate can be predicted with cultural groups-change over time-increase level with difficulty-females more likely to

Conformity Information Social Influences (Need to be Liked) Normative Social Influences (Need to be Right) Woolworths Rodin Pillivan+ Rodin (fire in the room) Sherif (1935) (Auto Kinetic Effect) Internationlisation (change behaviour and opinion) Compliance (change your behaviour not your mind) Asch (1951) (32%) Varitions Nom of confederates ( two 13%, three 32%) Confederates doesn't conform (drops 5.5%) The more difficult the lower the conformity If answer written (drops 12.5%) e.g. riddicile and dissaprroval Time Validity- vary e.g. effected by social change Cultural varaition- different levels of cohesion and independence(0.25% UK) Enter text here Attached Study AidsNote - Social Psychology - created from Mind MapNote - Social Psychology - created from Mind Map_3Note - Social Psychology - created from Mind Map_4

Social Psychology


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