Biology Revision for Summer Exams


Notas sobre Biology Revision for Summer Exams, criado por Bibi em 02-05-2013.
Notas por Bibi, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por Bibi quase 12 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Página 1

Year 8 Biology Revision for Summer Exams Date of Exam: Period 2 Date TBC in Venue: TBC What to revise: Page numbers refer to your Science textbook (Exploring Science: How Science Works 8) Food and Digestion The different classes of food (fats, protein, etc) Pages 8 and 9 What is a balanced diet? Pages 10 and 11 The human digestive system. Learn how to label the different parts. Page 14 What is digestion and where does it take place? Pages 14 and 15, Pages 16 and 17 What are enzymes? Pages 15 and 16 Where does digested food enter the blood? Page 18 How does digested food enter the blood? Pages 18 and 19 What are villi? Page 18 Breathing and Respiration Can you label the different parts of the lungs? Page 30 Where does gas exchange take place? Page 30 How are the alveoli adapted to do their job? Page 30 How smoking damages our lungs. Page 31 We need oxygen for respiration. What is respiration? Page 19, Page 23 What is anaerobic respiration? Page 29 The importance of exercise. Page 25, Page 27 What is the function of red blood cells? Page 25 Microbes and Disease Bacteria, fungi and viruses. What do they look like? Pages 36 and 37 How can microbes be useful to us? Pages 38 and 39 Microbes can cause disease. Learn the names of two diseases caused by bacteria, two diseases caused by fungi and two diseases caused by viruses. Page 40 How are diseases spread? What is an infectious disease? Page 41 How can we stop disease spreading? Page 43 How do our bodies protect us from disease? Page 44 White blood cells and what they do. Page 44

Breathing and Respiration Can you label the different parts of the lungs? Page 30 Where does gas exchange take place? Page 30 How are the alveoli adapted to do their job? Page 30 How smoking damages our lungs. Page 31 We need oxygen for respiration. What is respiration? Page 19, Page 23 What is anaerobic respiration? Page 29 The importance of exercise. Page 25, Page 27 What is the function of red blood cells? Page 25

Microbes and Disease Bacteria, fungi and viruses. What do they look like? Pages 36 and 37 How can microbes be useful to us? Pages 38 and 39 Microbes can cause disease. Learn the names of two diseases caused by bacteria, two diseases caused by fungi and two diseases caused by viruses. Page 40 How are diseases spread? What is an infectious disease? Page 41 How can we stop disease spreading? Page 43 How do our bodies protect us from disease? Page 44 White blood cells and what they do. Page 44

Food & Digestion


Microbes & disease


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