Exemplar 19.6: Sexually Transmitted Infections


NCLEX Nursing (Medical-Surgical) Quiz sobre Exemplar 19.6: Sexually Transmitted Infections, criado por Olivia McRitchie em 03-04-2018.
Olivia McRitchie
Quiz por Olivia McRitchie, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Olivia McRitchie
Criado por Olivia McRitchie quase 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Sexually transmitted infection includes viruses that cannot be cured, such as HPV, HSV, and HIV.
  • True
  • False

Questão 2

Which of the following is NOT a portal entry for STIs?
  • Mouth
  • Genitalia
  • Urinary meatus
  • Anus
  • Rectum
  • Skin
  • Eyes

Questão 3

Which of the following individuals is at higher risk of presenting with an STI? (Note that in all these answers, when I say "sexually active" I mean that the patient is currently sexually active). (Also note that when I say married, we're going to assume that the marriage is closed, the people involved are faithful to each other, and neither of the individuals involved had an STI prior to getting married.)
  • A sexually active 17 year old, white, heterosexual female living in an impoverished area
  • An unmarried 30 year old white, sexually active, homosexual male living in an economically well-off area.
  • An infant whose mother was found to carry Chlamydia.
  • An unmarried and sexually active 40 year old Latino male that is heterosexual.
  • A widowed sexually active, white, heterosexual elderly woman living in a nursing home.
  • A 19 year old, African American, sexually inactive homosexual male.
  • A 23 year old, newly married, Native American female.
  • A 36 year old, recently unemployed and divorced, sexually active white male.

Questão 4

A nurse is teaching a class about STI characteristics, prevention, and control to a group of at risk teens. Which of the following statements made by the teenagers shows that further teaching is needed?
  • "Both gay and straight people can get STIs."
  • "I can decrease my chance of getting an STI if I use a condom."
  • "If I get an STI, I should tell my girlfriend so she can also be treated for it."
  • "I should tell my nurse my full sexual history to the best of my ability."
  • "If I have sex with an STI-infected partner, I should use a new condom for each sexual act."
  • "I can only get an STD if I have vaginal or anal intercourse."

Questão 5

You have a young, heterosexual, male patient who has been diagnosed with HSV-2. This is his first time experiencing the signs of the virus. Which of the following statements made by the client shows that he understands the education about herpes that you have given him?
  • "I probably got this disease from a sexual encounter."
  • "These blisters will break and create patches of painful ulcers that will last 10-20 days."
  • "Future occurrences of the ulcers will last 4-5 days and heal without scarring. "
  • "I can only spread the disease when it's flaring up."
  • "I might feel burning, itching, tingling, or throbbing in areas where I commonly see lesions prior to having a flare up."
  • "I cannot spread this infection to other parts of my body if I touch the blisters."
  • "I will likely have this disease for the rest of my life."

Questão 6

An 18 year old female comes to a yearly physical and inquires about the HPV prevention vaccine, Gardasil. She explains that she knows very little about HPV except that it causes cancer, and she's thinking about becoming sexually active with her current boyfriend. Which of the following statements made by the nurse is correct teaching about HPV and the prevention vaccines?
  • "HPV is relatively uncommon."
  • "Genital warts are painless, soft, raised or flat, large or small, flesh colored bumps in your vulvogenital area, perineum, urethra, anus, groin, or thigh,"
  • "Women are at greater risk for HPV."
  • "Most people infected will show some sort of sign or symptom."
  • "HPV can be transmitted by vaginal, anal, or oral-genital contact."
  • "HPV can be transmitted even when the person shows no symptoms."
  • "If you become sexually active, you should start receiving pap tests."
  • "Persistent HPV in females causes genital warts, cervical cancer and, less often, vulvar, anal, and oropharyngeal cancer.
  • "The virus is incurable and the warts cannot be removed."
  • "Gardasil prevents HPV strains 6, 11, 16, and 18. 6 and 11 causes genital wars, 16 and 18 causes cervical cancer."

Questão 7

You have a young heterosexual female who has gotten Chlamydia from a sexual assault and is experiencing pelvic inflammatory disease. Select the accurate educational statements that can be given by the nurse.
  • "Chlamydia is common, but not the most commonly reported STI."
  • "Chlamydia is often not symptomatic in women until the uterus and fallopian tubes have been invaded."
  • "Chlamydia is the leading cause of preventable infertility and ectopic pregnancy,"
  • "Chlamydia will typically invade the cervix in females and urethra in males, and will cause pain when urinating, frequency in urination, and a strange discharge."
  • "Chlamydia can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, but cannot scar the fallopian tubes."
  • "Chlamydia cannot be spread to an infant."

Questão 8

Select all the medications that can be used to treat genital herpes.
  • Acyclovir (Zovirax)
  • Foscarnet (Foscavir)
  • Valacyclovir (Valtrex)
  • Famciclovir (Famvir)
  • Zidovudine (Retrovir)
  • Didanosine
  • Azithromycin (Zithromax)
  • Levofloxacin

Questão 9

Select the appropriate antibiotics for treating chlamydia.
  • Azithromycin (Zithromax)
  • Doxycycline (Adoxa, Apo-Doxy)
  • Levofloxacin
  • Penicillin G
  • Tetracycline
  • Acyclovir (Zovirax)

Questão 10

You are teaching a class about gonorrhea to a group of high schoolers. Which of the following statements made by a student shows that more teaching is needed? (Note that "genitals" refers to the genitourinary tract and "butt" refers to the anorectum region. I'm writing like a high schooler, and they wouldn't use things like genitourinary or anorectum).
  • "It can only enter the body through the genitals, butt, skin, and eyes."
  • "If it isn't treated, it can spread throughout the body."
  • "In can lead to swelling in the reproductive tract of both men and women,"
  • "In men, it manifests as painful urination and a serous, milky, purulent discharge."
  • "In women, it looks like painful and frequent urination, abnormal periods, increased vaginal discharge, and painful sex."
  • "Gonorrhea in the butt can looks like itching, mucous-pus discharge, bleeding and pain, and constipation."
  • "If I get gonorrhea, I should take all my medications and not have sex until its gone."

Questão 11

You are speaking to a homosexual male who has just been definitively diagnosed with syphilis. After an assessment of his knowledge, you realize that he knows next to nothing about syphilis and its transmission. Which of the following statements made by you, the nurse, gives this patient INCORRECT knowledge about syphilis?
  • "It can be transmitted from open lesions during any sexual contact, including during oral sex."
  • "Syphilis occurs in 4 stages: primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary."
  • "The primary stage of syphilis is characterized by the appearance of a chancre at the site of inoculation, as well as by regional enlargement of lymph nodes."
  • "Syphilis is only infectious during the primary and secondary stages.
  • "The latent period can last a lifetime, but if it isn't treated, 1/3 of infected individuals will progress to tertiary syphilis,"
  • "Tertiary syphilis can present either as gummas or as a diffuse inflammatory response."
  • "Tertiary syphilis can be treated, but the cardiovascular and central nervous system damage is irreversible."
  • "You should also be screened for chlamydia and HIV due to the chance of i occurring with other STIs."

Questão 12

Select all of the medications that can be used to treat syphilis.
  • Penicillin G
  • Doxycycline (Adoxa, Apo-Doxy)
  • Tetracycline
  • Azithromycin (Zithromax)
  • Levofloxacin

Questão 13

You have a young female patient concerned that she has acquired an STI. Select the answers that are appropriate when assessing this patient.
  • Ask when her last menstrual cycle was.
  • Ask what forms of birth control she uses.
  • Ask how many sexual partners she's had, as well as the frequency of sexual encounters.
  • Ask about medications and preexisting conditions.
  • Utilize closed ended questions if she is anxious or embarrassed.
  • Use medical terminology when asking questions about body parts and functions rather than the client's terminology.
  • Only focus on the reproductive system.
  • Focus on relieving pain and anxiety before you focus on the interview.

Questão 14

You are caring for a male client that is presenting with genital herpes. He has dysuria and urinary retention. Which of the following are proper interventions for this patient?
  • "I will instruct him to wash the blisters with mild soap and water daily, then use a hair dryer turned on a cool setting to dry them."
  • "I will inform him that his clothing choice doesn't matter."
  • "I will instruct him to pour water over his genitals and drink additional fluids."
  • "I will instruct him to use sitz baths with hot water for 15-30 minutes several times a day."
  • "I will give him a couple support groups to contact."
  • "I will inform the client that prodromal symptoms of recurrence include burning, itching, tingling, or throbbing at the sites where lesions commonly appear."
  • "I will inform him that it is okay to have sex up until the lesions appear, even if prodromal symptoms appear."
  • "I will instruct him to use condoms and not share personal items, even during latency periods."
  • "I will instruct him to thoroughly wash his hands after handling his genitals."
  • "I will inform him that emotional stress can trigger recurrences."


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