ANA- pneumonia


Quiz sobre ANA- pneumonia , criado por Em J em 08-06-2018.
Em J
Quiz por Em J, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Em J
Criado por Em J aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Health [blank_start]promotion[blank_end] Promotion of pneumonia awareness in patients and in the community - especially those at [blank_start]high risk[blank_end]. Ineffective airway [blank_start]clearance[blank_end] due to pneumonia Monitor skin [blank_start]colour[blank_end], temp & level of [blank_start]consciousness[blank_end] (LOC) Cyanosis, cool clammy skin & decreased LOC indicates worsening [blank_start]hypoxia[blank_end] Assess ABG results & SpO2 readings Notify medical team of [blank_start]abnormal values[blank_end]/ change in status Interventions: Place in [blank_start]Fowler’s[blank_end] or the [blank_start]tripod[blank_end] position to facilitate breathing & lung [blank_start]expansion[blank_end] (assists in reducing the [blank_start]WOB[blank_end]) Administer O2 as ordered Administer medications as ordered Initiate or assist with chest physiotherapy: [blank_start]postural[blank_end] drainage & percussion to facilitate movement of secretions Increase patient’s [blank_start]fluid[blank_end] intake to reduce viscosity of [blank_start]secretions[blank_end] Provide [blank_start]endotracheal suctioning[blank_end] as necessary Assist to cough, deep breathe and use assistive breathing devices. Assess cough & sputum ([blank_start]amount colour, consistency and odour[blank_end])
  • promotion
  • high risk
  • clearance
  • consciousness
  • colour
  • hypoxia
  • abnormal values
  • Fowler’s
  • tripod
  • expansion
  • WOB
  • postural
  • fluid
  • secretions
  • endotracheal suctioning
  • amount colour, consistency and odour


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