systemic micro


MCQ for 3rd year medical students
Nada Medhat
Quiz por Nada Medhat, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Nada Medhat
Criado por Nada Medhat mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

A 25 years milkman comes to emergency department, saying that about 2 hours ago he began to feel feverish and weak; on examination he has a temperature of 40 degree centigrade, and a history of relapsing fever but no other pertinent findings. A blood cultures grows small gram positive rods that cause beta hemolysis on blood agar plate, incubated at room temperature. Which one of the following bacteria is most likely the cause?
  • Clostridium perfringens
  • Streptococcus pyogenes
  • Bacillus cereus
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Brucella species.

Questão 2

A 13 year old girl who return a few days ago from a school campaign trip is ill from school.she tells her parents that she has a headache and bouts of chills, over next few days she develops rashes which begin from palms and soles and spread to her wrist and ankles and then to her trunk. Her worsening condition leads her parents to take her to emergency department. Her blood tests reveals antibodies that react with proteus antigen, the patient is most likely infected with which of the following:
  • Borella burgdoferri.
  • Coxiella brunette
  • Coxsasckie virus A
  • Rickettsia
  • Treponema palladium

Questão 3

LEPROMATOUS LEPROSY: course progressive and malign, with nodular skin lesions, symmetric nerve involvement abundant acid fast bacilli in scrapings continuous Bacteremia, the lepromin test is :
  • negative lepromin skin test
  • is positive
  • in unequivocal
  • false positive
  • is insignificant for differentiation of the two types of leprosy

Questão 4

A neonate after delivery develops fever, neck rigidity and convulsions, CSF findings show markedly decreased glucose levels, high lactact and outnumber of Polymorphonuclear cells: the most likely organism is:
  • E.coli
  • Strept. Group B
  • Staph. aureus
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Strept, Group A

Questão 5

Fungal Meningitis: Insidious onset, history of lung infection, yeast cells in CSF, slight changes in CSF chemistry. The most likely fungus involved is :
  • Candida albicans
  • Cryptococcus neoformis.
  • Histoplasma capsulatum
  • Aspergillum

Questão 6

The major cause of blindness in Asia and Africa is because of :
  • Chlymadia serovars A-C.
  • Chlymadia serovars D-K
  • Chlamydia psittaci
  • none of the above

Questão 7

A 28 year old male visits his physician complaining of intermittent pain in his right elbow and left knee of two weeks duration.He has also noticed a slight drooping of the left side of his face in last three days.He also gives history of rash on his right arm two months ago.Rash was clear at the centre. On examination the physician notices several circular rashes with central clearing. Which pathogen is responsible for this condition?
  • Borrelia recurrentis
  • Borrelia burgdoferri
  • Leptospira interogans
  • Rickettsia rickettsii

Questão 8

After a long camping trip a 29 years old man comes to the physician complaining of fever and general malaise.Examination shows a well demarkated skin lesion with a black base .On further questioning the patient says the lesion developed over a deer fly bite site, which of the following organism is most likely responsible for this lesion:
  • fransicella tulerences
  • brucella melitensis
  • Nocardia astroides
  • tryponima pallidum

Questão 9

A 12 year old patient presents to pediatric OPD with history of hacking cough for three weeks.He has already taken a course of ampicillin without any improvement of his cough.X-Ray chest reveals interstitial pneumonia with patchy infilteration .The physician labels him as a case of “Walking Pneumonia”.What is the most probable organism responsible for this illness?
  • Hemophillus influenza
  • Strep.Pneumoniae
  • Klebsiella Pneumoniae
  • Mycoplasma Pneumoniae

Questão 10

A 60 years old woman had an adenocarcinoma of colon that was surgically removed. Several blood transfusions were given and she did well 3 weeks after surgery,when fever ,vomiting and diarrhea began. Blood and stool cultures were negative for bacteria.Test for clostridium difficile and HbsAg were negative.A liver biopsy revealed intra-nuclear inclusion bodies.Which of the following is the most likely cause?
  • Dengue virus
  • Hepatitis A virus
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Rota virus

Questão 11

A 35 years old man is HIV antibody positive and has a CD4 count of 50 /mm3.He has had a fever of 1000 degree F.for a few weeks and feels tired all the time. He has no other symptoms .Findings on physical examination are normal. Blood counts, urine analysis and X-ray chest are normal.A bone marrow biopsy reveals granuloma and culture grows an organism that is a budding yeast at 37 degree centigrade but produces hyphae at 25 C.Which of the following is the most likely cause?
  • Aspergillus fumigates
  • Cryptococcus neoformans
  • Mucour spp
  • Histoplasma capsulatum

Questão 12

A 12 year old girl had a seizure this morning and was rushed to the hospital. On examination her temperature was 400 C and she had no nuchal rigidity.CT scan revealed no abnormality. A spinal tap was done and the protein and glucose were normal.Gram stain of CSF shows no organism or polymorphs.Routine blood culture and CSF cultures grew no organisms.She was treated with various antibiotics but became comatose and died 2 days later.Autopsy of brain showed eosinophilic inclusion bodies in the cytoplasm of the neurons.Which of the following is the most likely cause?
  • Prions
  • J-C virus
  • Rabies virus
  • Parvovirus B-19 virus

Questão 13

A 66 years old woman is being treated with chemotherapy for lymphoma.She develops fever of 380 C and a non productive cough.Chest X-ray reveals an infiltrate.She is treated with an appropriate antibiotics.The following day several vesicles appear on her chest.Which of the following is the most likely cause?
  • Measle virus
  • Respiratory syncytial virus
  • Varicella zoster virus
  • Rubella virus

Questão 14

A sample sent to microbiological lab for fungal culture yields growth on sabourods medium .which stain would you use for further fungal identification?
  • Calcoflour white stain
  • Zeihl Nelson stain
  • Gram stain
  • Geimsa stain

Questão 15

a medical student on international program in namibia sees a 1 week old infant with an eye infection.there is also evidence of hordes of flies in the village that are constantly bothering the children . a sample of discharge from the eye found to contain encapsulated , paired , gram negative cocci. the kiddo has :
  • neonatal gonorrhea
  • trachoma
  • syphilis
  • none of the above


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