Infectious Diseases Test 1- 5th Year- PMU


the diseases with diarrhoea syndrome
Med Student
Quiz por Med Student , atualizado more than 1 year ago
Med Student
Criado por Med Student aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

The most frequent clinical form of Salmonellosis in adults is
  • Sepsis
  • Cholecystitis acuta
  • Gastroenteritis acuta

Questão 2

Shigella bacteria are isolated from
  • urine
  • faeces
  • sputum

Questão 3

Salmonellosis is associated with consumption of
  • eggs
  • homemade canned foods
  • sweets

Questão 4

The average incubation period in Shigellosis is
  • 2 weeks
  • 3-4 days
  • 4-6 hours

Questão 5

The onset of cholera is typical with
  • high temperature and fever
  • diarrhoea "rice water” type
  • repeated vomiting

Questão 6

Colienteritis affects most frequently
  • young adults
  • pre-school children
  • infants

Questão 7

Specific for Shigellosis diarrhoea is
  • large amount of watery stools + abdominal pain
  • small volume, bloody and mucous stained stools + tenesmi
  • large amount of watery ” rice water” type stools

Questão 8

The most frequent clinical form of Salmonellosis in infants is
  • enterocolitis
  • food poisoning
  • gastritis

Questão 9

Shigellosis is likely to present with seizures and altered consciousness in
  • the elderly
  • in early childhood (children under 3 years of age)
  • such onset is unlikely

Questão 10

Antibiotic treatment of choice in cholera is
  • Penicillin
  • 3% generation cephalosporin
  • Tetracyclin

Questão 11

The most appropriate culture media for E. coli is
  • Bordet-Gengou
  • Endo, Levin, Gasner
  • Loffler

Questão 12

Early dehydration, without fever and abdominal cramps are typical of
  • shigellosis
  • salmonellosis
  • cholera

Questão 13

Vibrio cholere does not produce
  • neurotoxin
  • endotoxin
  • enterotoxin (choleragen)

Questão 14

In patients with Salmonellosis, bacteremia
  • never occurs
  • is frequent, but transient and insignificant in immuno-competent
  • is very rare

Questão 15

A 35 year old previously ill patient presents with acute fever, temperature up to 39°C, vomiting and frequent watery green stools inter mixed with small amount of mucus. He has had chicken neal 24 hours preceding the onset of the illness. He is admitted to the Clinics of Infectious disease in poor general condition, ones dehydrated, with RR- 80/40 mmHg, with abdominal pain - in the umbilical area, elevated, vacuous pulse cool extremities. Laboratory findings: leucocytosis, neutrophilia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, elevated CRP, hypoalbuminemia, sub-compensated metabolic acidosis. Which is the most likely etiological agent
  • Staphylococci
  • Enteroviruses
  • Salmonella
  • E coli (EPEC)

Questão 16

A 35 year old previously ill patient presents with acute fever, temperature up to 39°C, vomiting and frequent watery green stools inter mixed with small amount of mucus. He has had chicken neal 24 hours preceding the onset of the illness. He is admitted to the Clinics of Infectious disease in poor general condition, ones dehydrated, with RR- 80/40 mmHg, with abdominal pain - in the umbilical area, elevated, vacuous pulse cool extremities. Laboratory findings: leucocytosis, neutrophilia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, elevated CRP, hypoalbuminemia, sub-compensated metabolic acidosis What is the initial treatment
  • rehydration
  • anti-emetics and anti-spasmodic
  • antibiotics

Questão 17

A 35 year old previously ill patient presents with acute fever, temperature up to 39°C, vomiting and frequent watery green stools inter mixed with small amount of mucus. He has had chicken neal 24 hours preceding the onset of the illness. He is admitted to the Clinics of Infectious disease in poor general condition, ones dehydrated, with RR- 80/40 mmHg, with abdominal pain - in the umbilical area, elevated, vacuous pulse cool extremities. Laboratory findings: leucocytosis, neutrophilia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, elevated CRP, hypoalbuminemia, sub-compensated metabolic acidosis Diagnostic work-up includes
  • Fecal culture
  • Colonoscopy
  • PCR

Questão 18

The onset of cholera is usually with
  • fever and chills
  • diarrhoea “ rice water" type
  • repeated vomiting

Questão 19

The most frequent clinical form of salmonellosis in adults is
  • sepsis
  • cholecystitis
  • gastroenteritis

Questão 20

Stools, dysenteric sputum” type are
  • green coloured, with plenty of mucus intermixture
  • watery stools, with bad odour
  • small amount of feces, stained with blood, mucus and pus

Questão 21

The most important pathogenic factor in cholera is
  • the direct cytotoxic effect of Vibrio cholerae
  • choleragen effect
  • hematogenous spread of Vibrio cholerae

Questão 22

European cholera variant is characterised of
  • very severe course with rapid dehydration
  • high mortality rate
  • less severe course with moderate dehydration

Questão 23

Causative agent of HUS is
  • entero haemorrhagic E coli (EHEC)
  • entero invasive E coli (EIEC)
  • entero pathogenic E coli (EPEC)

Questão 24

Which type of toxin is released on lysis of Salmonella bacteria
  • endotoxin
  • neurotoxin
  • enterotoxin

Questão 25

The deficit of fluids in dehydration state is defined by
  • difference between actual body weight and body weight before the illness
  • measurement of RR
  • measurement of pulse rate

Questão 26

Low potassium level is suspected in a patient with
  • increased intestinal motility and spastic colon
  • intestinal paresis and distended abdomen
  • generalized seizures

Questão 27

The incubation period in colienteritis is
  • 2 months
  • 3-7 days
  • 4-6 hours

Questão 28

The most common abnormality of acid-base balance in diarrhoea is
  • metabolic acidosis
  • metabolic acidosis plus respiratory alkalosis
  • metabolic alkalosis

Questão 29

32- year old healthy man became unwell one day after eating sandwiches with minced meat. The disease onset is abrupt with fever of 39.5 C, rigor, fatigue, repeated vomiting and watery diarrhea with green colored stools with mucus, but no blood. The patient is admitted to the infectious unit of the hospital. At the time of admission he is in poor general condition, pale, intoxicated with reduced skin turgor, oliguria, RR 80/40mmHg, and marked tachycardia, weak pulse, cool extremities and acrocyanosis. The laboratory tests results show: mild leukocytosis with presence of bans, CRP- 16, elevated Hct, blood urea nitrogen- 16 mol/l, Na 130 mmol/L, decompensated metabolic acidosis. Which is the most likely causative agent?
  • Salmonella species
  • Rotaviruses
  • Shigella
  • E.coli

Questão 30

32- year old healthy man became unwell one day after eating sandwiches with minced meat. The disease onset is abrupt with fever of 39.5 C, rigor, fatigue, repeated vomiting and watery diarrhea with green colored stools with mucus, but no blood. The patient is admitted to the infectious unit of the hospital. At the time of admission he is in poor general condition, pale, intoxicated with reduced skin turgor, oliguria, RR 80/40mmHg, and marked tachycardia, weak pulse, cool extremities and acrocyanosis. The laboratory tests results show: mild leukocytosis with presence of bans, CRP- 16, elevated Hct, blood urea nitrogen- 16 mol/l, Na 130 mmol/L, decompensated metabolic acidosis. Which is the degree of dehydration in the patient?
  • third degree
  • no signs of dehydration
  • second degree
  • first degree

Questão 31

32- year old healthy man became unwell one day after eating sandwiches with minced meat. The disease onset is abrupt with fever of 39.5 C, rigor, fatigue, repeated vomiting and watery diarrhea with green colored stools with mucus, but no blood. The patient is admitted to the infectious unit of the hospital. At the time of admission he is in poor general condition, pale, intoxicated with reduced skin turgor, oliguria, RR 80/40mmHg, and marked tachycardia, weak pulse, cool extremities and acrocyanosis. The laboratory tests results show: mild leukocytosis with presence of bans, CRP- 16, elevated Hct, blood urea nitrogen- 16 mol/l, Na 130 mmol/L, decompensated metabolic acidosis. What is the treatment of first choice?
  • antibiotic
  • antipyretic
  • anti-diarrheal agent
  • rehydration

Questão 32

Which of the following agents causes hemolytic-uremic syndrome
  • enterohemorrhagic E. coli
  • enteroinvasive E. coli
  • pathogenic E. coli

Questão 33

The stools in cholera resemble
  • rice water
  • sputum with mucus blood and pus
  • raspberry jelly

Questão 34

The incubation period in Shigellosis is
  • 2 weeks
  • 1-7 days
  • 4-6 hours

Questão 35

Third degree dehydration is considered a fluid loss of
  • < 5 % body weight loss
  • < 10 % body weight loss
  • > 10% body weight loss

Questão 36

Four year old child has been unwell for 4 days. The symptoms include fever (37.5 - 39 C), fatigue, repeated vomiting, diarrhea with watery yellow-brawn stools with mucus, no urine production in the last 10-12 hours. The child has been treated with loperamide. On the day of the hospital admission, she is in poor general condition, intoxicated, with reduced skin turgor, cold extremities, and tachycardia. Laboratory tests show mild anemia, leukocytosis with presence of immature cells, thrombocytopenia, slightly elevated bilirubin, elevated blood urea nitrogen and creatinine decompensated metabolic acidosis. Which is the most likely causative agent?
  • Salmonella species
  • Rotaviruses
  • Shigella
  • E.coli

Questão 37

Four year old child has been unwell for 4 days. The symptoms include fever (37.5 - 39 C), fatigue, repeated vomiting, diarrhea with watery yellow-brawn stools with mucus, no urine production in the last 10-12 hours. The child has been treated with loperamide. On the day of the hospital admission, she is in poor general condition, intoxicated, with reduced skin turgor, cold extremities, and tachycardia. Laboratory tests show mild anemia, leukocytosis with presence of immature cells, thrombocytopenia, slightly elevated bilirubin, elevated blood urea nitrogen and creatinine decompensated metabolic acidosis. Which is re degree of dehydration in the child?
  • third degree
  • no signs of dehydration
  • second degree
  • first degree

Questão 38

Four year old child has been unwell for 4 days. The symptoms include fever (37.5 - 39 C), fatigue, repeated vomiting, diarrhea with watery yellow-brawn stools with mucus, no urine production in the last 10-12 hours. The child has been treated with loperamide. On the day of the hospital admission, she is in poor general condition, intoxicated, with reduced skin turgor, cold extremities, and tachycardia. Laboratory tests show mild anemia, leukocytosis with presence of immature cells, thrombocytopenia, slightly elevated bilirubin, elevated blood urea nitrogen and creatinine decompensated metabolic acidosis. What is the treatment of first choice?
  • antibiotic
  • antipyretic
  • anti-diarrheal agent
  • rehydration

Questão 39

Four year old child has been unwell for 4 days. The symptoms include fever (37.5 - 39 C), fatigue, repeated vomiting, diarrhea with watery yellow-brawn stools with mucus, no urine production in the last 10-12 hours. The child has been treated with loperamide. On the day of the hospital admission, she is in poor general condition, intoxicated, with reduced skin turgor, cold extremities, and tachycardia. Laboratory tests show mild anemia, leukocytosis with presence of immature cells, thrombocytopenia, slightly elevated bilirubin, elevated blood urea nitrogen and creatinine decompensated metabolic acidosis. Which is the most likely diagnosis?
  • salmonella sepsis
  • hemolytic-uremic syndrome
  • acute glomerulonephritis


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