Cellular Death & Degeneration - L1-2


Pathology Quiz sobre Cellular Death & Degeneration - L1-2, criado por Hannah-Marie Rhodes em 02-02-2020.
Hannah-Marie Rhodes
Quiz por Hannah-Marie Rhodes, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Hannah-Marie Rhodes
Criado por Hannah-Marie Rhodes mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

Somatic death - [blank_start]Disappearance of life from entire[blank_end] individual Necrosis - [blank_start]Local death of tissues or cells within a[blank_end] living individual Autolysis - [blank_start]Breakdown of cell and tissues caused by[blank_end] enzymes within the body Putrefaction - [blank_start]Breakdown of cells and tissues by[blank_end] bacteria from the surrounding environment, or from within the body itself Cellular Degeneration - Damage causes [blank_start]dysfunction of the sodium potassium pump[blank_end] resulting [blank_start]in build up of Na+ ions within the cell[blank_end], causing cell swelling Hypoxia - [blank_start]Lack of oxygen[blank_end] Systemic reactions - [blank_start]Enzymes released from the dying cells[blank_end] may be found in increased quantities in the serum Local reactions - [blank_start]Necrotic tissue initiates a mild local[blank_end] inflammatory reaction Liquefaction - [blank_start]Breakdown of tissue into liquid[blank_end] Suppuration - [blank_start]Liquefaction with pus formation[blank_end] Suppurative/Purulent - [blank_start]Type of exudate[blank_end]
  • Disappearance of life from entire
  • Local death of tissues or cells within a
  • Breakdown of cell and tissues caused by
  • Breakdown of cells and tissues by
  • dysfunction of the sodium potassium pump
  • in build up of Na+ ions within the cell
  • Lack of oxygen
  • Enzymes released from the dying cells
  • Necrotic tissue initiates a mild local
  • Breakdown of tissue into liquid
  • Liquefaction with pus formation
  • Type of exudate

Questão 2

Abscess - [blank_start]Pus confined within a tissue[blank_end] Sequestration - [blank_start]Encapsulation of necrotic tissue[blank_end] surrounded by fibrous capsule Erosion - [blank_start]Partial thickness of epithelium is lost[blank_end] Ulceration - [blank_start]Full thickness of epithelium is lost[blank_end] with damage to the basement membrane and exposure [blank_start]of underlying connective tissue[blank_end] Gangrene - [blank_start]Necrosis + Bacteria[blank_end] Putrefaction - [blank_start]Breakdown of organic matter by[blank_end] microorganisms Physiological Adaptions - [blank_start]Changes occurring in normal body[blank_end] conditions Pathological Adaptions - [blank_start]Changes occurring in disease[blank_end] conditions
  • Pus confined within a tissue
  • Encapsulation of necrotic tissue
  • Partial thickness of epithelium is lost
  • Full thickness of epithelium is lost
  • Necrosis + Bacteria
  • of underlying connective tissue
  • Breakdown of organic matter by
  • Changes occurring in normal body
  • Changes occurring in disease

Questão 3

Atrophy - [blank_start]An organ or tissue has reached normal[blank_end] size but then shrinks Hypertrophy - increase in the size of a tissue or organ [blank_start]due to an increase in the size of the[blank_end] individual cells Hypoplasia - [blank_start]Incomplete growth of an organ or tissue[blank_end] Aplasia - [blank_start]Absence of a tissue[blank_end] Atresia - [blank_start]Absence or closure of a luminal[blank_end] structure Hyperplasia - [blank_start]Increase in the number of cells[blank_end] in a tissue or organ Dysplasia - [blank_start]Abnormal architecture of a tissue or[blank_end] organ Metaplalsia - [blank_start]Change from one cell type to a different[blank_end] but related cell type
  • An organ or tissue has reached normal
  • due to an increase in the size of the
  • Incomplete growth of an organ or tissue
  • Absence of a tissue
  • Absence or closure of a luminal
  • Increase in the number of cells
  • Abnormal architecture of a tissue or
  • Change from one cell type to a different

Questão 4

What are the changes that occur in the body after death 1. [blank_start]Cooling[blank_end] 2. [blank_start]Rigor Mortis[blank_end] 3. [blank_start]Blood Changes[blank_end] 4. [blank_start]Post-mortem degeneration[blank_end]
  • Cooling
  • Rigor Mortis
  • Blood Changes
  • Post-mortem degeneration

Questão 5

Rigor Mortis Muscles stiffen [blank_start]1-9 hours[blank_end] after death due to contraction [blank_start]of muscles as their supplies of energy[blank_end] decrease. Order of occurrence: [blank_start]Head[blank_end], [blank_start]Heart[blank_end], [blank_start]Diaphragm[blank_end], [blank_start]Limbs[blank_end] Disappears in the same order [blank_start]12-30 hours[blank_end] later. Rigor develops [blank_start]later[blank_end] in well-nourished animals as [blank_start]ATP can still be generated from glycogen[blank_end]. In warm temperatures, [blank_start]glycogen is used more quickly so[blank_end] rigor begins [blank_start]more quickly[blank_end].
  • 1-9 hours
  • of muscles as their supplies of energy
  • Head
  • Heart
  • Diaphragm
  • Limbs
  • 12-30 hours
  • later
  • earlier
  • ATP can still be generated from glycogen
  • they are in a better body condition
  • glycogen is used more quickly so
  • glycogen is used slowly so
  • more quickly
  • more slowly
  • of muscles as their supplies of oxygen

Questão 6

Causes of Cellular Degeneration
  • Hypoxia
  • Free Radicals
  • Chemical Agents / Physical Agents
  • Increased Oxygen
  • Immunological Reactions
  • Aging / Genetic Defects
  • Nutrition
  • Ethnicity
  • Microbiotic Agents
  • Genetic Editing

Questão 7

Causes of Necrosis
  • Infections
  • Toxins
  • Trauma
  • Aging / Genetic Defects
  • Nutrition
  • Free Radicals
  • Chemical / Physical Agents
  • Nothing


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