Matthew Perry, the Ottawa-raised actor who played Chandler Bing on the sitcom Friends, died this past weekend at the age of 54. While perhaps best known for his role on Friends, for which OTHER series was Perry nominated for a pair of Emmy awards in 2003 and 2004 for outstanding guest actor?
Ryan Smolkin also died recently, at the age of 50. What was the signature dish at the Smiths Falls-raised entrepreneur's restaurants, of which there are about 100 across Canada?
On Monday, Ontario Health Minister Sylvia Jones said that starting next fall, the province would lower the age for publicly funded screenings for WHICH type of cancer from 50 to 40?
Treasury Board President Anita Anand said this week that Canada Life met the standard to win the contract as the new insurance provider for some 1.7 million current and retired federal workers and their families — even though it was WHAT?
Two well-known Gatineau watering holes have announced their closures: Brasseurs du Temps, one of the region's first craft breweries, and WHICH pub that's attached to a hotel built in Aylmer in the 1830s?
Which faculty at Queen's University has been named after former student Stephen J.R. Smith, seen here at the microphone on Thursday, after he made a $100-million donation to his alma mater?
What new policy implemented by the Toronto-based owners of Ottawa's Bridgehead coffee shop chain is "ridiculous," according to the head of the labour council?