QUIZ: How effective is your restaurant's marketing?


"Many of the restaurants that go out of business, close their doors thinking their marketing and management was superior," says Erika Silva Aguilera of Marketing Gastronomico. Are you doing everything you can to make your restaurant the best it can be and the most visible? Take this 15-question quiz and get your marketing power score. The result may surprise you.
Quiz por missypmq, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por missypmq aproximadamente 11 anos atrás
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resumo de Recurso

Questão 1

What is the primary reason you work in the restaurant industry?
  • The money. Everyone's got to eat!
  • I'm passionate about food and pleasing my customers.

Questão 2

Which factor is the MOST important when selecting ingredients for your store
  • Price. Offering more affordable products will bring in more customers.
  • Quality. The good stuff is what keeps customers coming back.

Questão 3

What kind of toppings do you offer on your pizza?
  • Just tried and true classics that will definitely sell. Nothing beats a slice of pepperoni.
  • We have some experimental pies alongside our classics. For example, fig, goat cheese and walnut pizza as well as a classic meat lover's.
  • Our pizzas are highly creative and surprising. You won't find pepperoni here. No sir!

Questão 4

Do you measure/weigh your ingredients
  • Absolutely!
  • I weigh my dough but not my cheese or anything else.
  • I make artisan pizza. It's ok for the dough and ingredients to vary in size and weight.

Questão 5

If someone handed you your menu right now, would you be able to point to the item which brings in the most profit?
  • Yep. There it is.
  • Hmm.... Good question!

Questão 6

What was your primary intent when designing your menu?
  • Inform customers what they can purchase at my store.
  • Help customers decide what to order, focusing on particular items that I want to grab their attention.

Questão 7

Have your employees tried most of the foods on your menu?
  • Yes, I encourage my employees to familiarize themselves with our products as much as possible.
  • Not unless they bought it themselves. What am I, a vending machine?

Questão 8

Do your cashiers/waiters offer to upsell your customers?
  • I don't think so.
  • I ask them to but they forget half the time.
  • Yes, they are on top of it.

Questão 9

Do you offer special prices when the restaurant is typically slow?
  • Yes
  • Nope

Questão 10

Who is your target consumer?
  • We try to reach anybody and everybody in town.
  • We specialize our marketing to attract the segment which will be most likely to visit our store.

Questão 11

Do you "do" social media?
  • Nope, word of mouth does it all.
  • Yes! We have Facebook... and maybe some other stuff somewhere.
  • Yes! We have Facebook (and/or more social media accounts) AND we know how to use them!

Questão 12

What's the quality of your website?
  • I use a free internet platform such as Word Press without a custom URL. e.g. joespizza.wordpress.com.
  • I worked with a web developer OR I pay to use my unique brand domain on a free platform such as Word Press.
  • I don't have a website.

Questão 13

How much do you focus on cleanliness?
  • We have a rigorous and thorough cleaning routine.
  • We keep things tidy but we're not OCD about the store.
  • What the customer doesn't know can't hurt 'em.

Questão 14

Are your employees familiar with the different kinds of food allergies and dietary restrictions out there?
  • My employees know about food allergies.
  • My employees know about food allergies and can answer ingredient-specific questions about menu items.
  • I've never trained my employees about food allergies and dietary restrictions.

Questão 15

You staff is motived to do their best
  • For the most part; they show real dedication.
  • No. Kids today are too spoiled.

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